
Cat App written using mobile technologies (Ionic & Angular)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ionic-CatApp (G00376658)

Cat App written using mobile technologies (Ionic & Angular)

This app was created as a part of my Mobile Development module @ GMIT Software Development Course in under 2 days. (WakaTime statistics show that this app was developed in a litte bit over 10 hours! Hoorah!) https://wakatime.com/@Rako/projects/vpgphgkrte?start=2020-04-18&end=2020-04-24

Cloning & Getting Development instance set-up:

  • Clone this repository to a seperate folder
  • Open CMD/Terminal and cd into the directory
  • Run "npm install" to install required dependencies, this will take a while. (Ensure you have installed node.js and npm is in your PATH)
  • If you haven't already, install Ionic CLI - "npm install -g @ionic/cli"
  • Run "ionic serve"
  • Wait for the instance to open in your browser.

Building for Android:

Follow instructions as defined here: https://ionicframework.com/docs/developing/android

Things I've learned doing this project:

I always thought I disliked web-dev and mobile development - How wrong I've been! It's been geniunely one of the most exiting projects I've done in a long time.

I'd have used infinite scroll views that are bundled with ionic, but I couldn't gotten them to work - Many other people were having issues so I assume it's not a "me" problem.


2 RESTful API's were used in this project.

https://catfact.ninja/ - For facts!

https://thecatapi.com/ - For random cat pictures!