translate images, videos and text to Ascii arts easy
translate text to asciiart with 400+ different fonts and images, videos from any path or url!
to install you have to clone the repository
$ git clone
this tool has dependency, and to install them you have to run
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
to start asciifying in your script you have to import the module
import AsciiPy
after you have imported the module type:
text = AsciiPy.AsciiText.GenerateText(TEXT, FONT")
text = AsciiPy.AsciiText.GenerateText("Hey", "graffiti")
to asciify a text
after you have imported the module type:
img = AsciiPy.AsciiImage.GenerateFromUrl("")
to asciify a image by url
after you have imported the module type:
img = AsciiPy.AsciiImage.GenerateFromPath("python-logo.png")
to asciify a image by url
after you have imported the module type:
#this will automatically prints the video
to asciify a video by path
after you have imported the module type:
#this will automatically prints the video
to asciify a video by url
after you have imported the module type:
lst = AsciiPy.AsciiText.FontList()
this will print ove 400 different fonts you can use to generate texts
to asciify a image you have to run
$ py AsciiPy -u [url for your image]
$ py AsciiPy -u
to asciify a image from path you have to run
$ py AsciiPy -p [path for your image]
$ py AsciiPy -t [text] [font]
if you need a font list just type
$ py AsciiPy -f
$ py AsciiPy -vid-path [path to video]
$ py AsciiPy -vid-url [url to video]
$ py AsciiPy -h
this prints a list of commands with examples
still in development