
This Repository contains the work done under this project (IE Second Year Project)

Primary LanguagePython


This Repository contains the work done under this project (IE Second Year Project)


This program is used to change the mac address of the linux machine.
Run ./macchanger.py --help for usage


-h, --help            show this help message and exit  
-i INTERFACE, --interface=INTERFACE  
                      Enter the interface name  
-m NEW_MAC, --mac=NEW_MAC  
                      Enter the macAddress  
-o OPTION, --option=OPTION  
                      option 1 for custom mac, 2 for random mac  
-t WAIT_TIME, --time=WAIT_TIME  
                      Enter time in seconds to change random mac  


This program is used to scan the network for the available ip addresses using arp pinging.
A python package called scapy is used for this.
Run ./networkScanner.py and enter the range of ip address as input asked by the program