
(Work In Progress) Open-Source Textbook and User Manual for Graphical Interactive Existential Graph Theorem Proving in PMH

MIT LicenseMIT

Existential Graph Theorem Proving in PMH

A book about theorem proving in Charles Sanders Peirce's Existential Graph System using the PMH existential graph interactive theorem prover.

Assumes that the reader has no knowledge of Propositional Calculus and no knowledge of any Existential Graphs beforehand.

Made with mdBook.

Testing Your Changes Locally!

Install rust, cargo and mdbook. Then, run "mdbook build" in the root directory and ensure the message "Running the html backend" appears.

Root Files and Folders

/.github/ : Builds and deploys the mdBook.

/.vscode/ : Recommended extensions and settings for using VSCode as a text editor.

/src/ : Markdown files that are built into the mdBook.

/.gitignore : Files and directories that should not be updated with git version control.

/book.toml : Config file for mdBook.

/LICENSE : Legal jargon for who can buy and sell the book.

/README.md : Information about the book and its contents. You are here!