
Parallel Verification of Propositional Natural-Deduction Proof Graphs

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Parallel Verifier

Parallel Verifier is an optimized parallel verifier for graph based natural deduction proofs, with support for proofs imported from Hyperslate and Lazyslate Classic.

Logic Support

Just natural deduction propositional calculus for now.


Serial Verifier

    ./SerialVerifier [proofFilePath]

OpenMP Verifier

Set the environmental var to specify how many threads OMP can use, then run the program with a path to a proof file.

    export OMP_NUM_THREADS=[NumThreads]
    ./OMPVerifier [proofFilePath] [VerifierAlg]

More on Args:

  • VerifierAlg is OG by default
  • VerifierAlg values:
    • OG - Original, parallelization of verification of nodes on each layer
    • LB - Load balanced, split syntax and semantic check, extra space space on a layer is used to forward syntax check
    • BF - Syntax First, syntax check all nodes in parallel, semantic check layer by layer.

MPI Verifier

    mpirun -N [NumRanks] ./MPIVerifier [proofFilePath] [VerifierAlg] [LayerMapAlg] 

More on Args:

  • VerifierAlg and LayerMapAlg are optional but if one is included, the other must be as well
  • VerifierAlg values:
    • Alpha - The broken Sp2022 version that uses markings and marking matrices. A layer mapper must be passed in, but it will not be used.
    • Original - a worse version that passes extra data rather than using an MPI reduce
    • NoOpt - non-optimized MPI implementation with no balancing
    • LoadBalance - load balancing optimizations implementation
  • LayerMapAlg values
    • Serial - Recursive DP O(n) layer mapping algo run on each rank
    • MPI - MPI parallel D(n) layer mapping algo

Project Layout

  • .github : github actions for testing proofs
  • .vscode : vscode recommended extensions and settings for the project
  • benchmarks : quick benchmarking utilities to measure performance
  • proofs : Proof files to verify on
    • hyperslate : hyperslate slt proofs
    • lazyslate : lazyslate json proofs
  • sandbox : code to test features to implement
  • scripts : utility scripts for debugging, building, etc
  • src : Source Code
  • tests : CTest suite


  • MPI (We use Open-MPI for local debugging and MPICH for benchmarks)
  • jsoncpp
  • OpenMP
