
The PMH Book and User Manual

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Pictures of the UI portion of the application (not including the canvas) should not be included in the manual until after the UI Overhaul outlined in issue #318. Until then it is sufficient to describe what the application does, what AEGs are, and what all the different modes do via pictures of causes and effects from the canvas.

The book should be done in markdown. It will be built into a book using mdBook which is what the official rust and lean eBooks use.

Some important sections:

  • Chapter 1 Introduction to logic via AEGs
  • Contrary to the approach i take in my blog post, do not assume the user knows PC, introduce logic from first principals using AEGs.
  • Chapter 2 Propositional Calculus and its relation to AEGs
  • Talk about PC and how we may convert between it and AEGs for those who know propositional calculus.
  • Chapter 3 Introduce PMH and our features.
    • AEG construction in draw mode.
    • AEG theorem proving in proof mode.

We have a different repository for the book up and running, since mdbook involves Cargo, a different package manager. Check it out!
