Rest API template

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Steps to start a project

npm init
npm install express sequelize mysql2 body-parser cors --save
npm install passport passport-local express-session bcrypt-nodejs express-handlebars dotenv --save
npx create-react-app frontend
npm install bootstrap axios react-router-dom


Tips to Code

  1. Create folder called app
  2. Copy config and put into app
  3. Create folders controllers, models,routes

For Models add file index.js -> will house and register all models here

db.tutorials = require("./tutorial.model.js")(sequelize, Sequelize);

Create a model xxxx.model.js

module.exports = (sequelize, Sequelize) => {
    const Tutorial = sequelize.define("tutorial", {
        title: {
            type: Sequelize.STRING
        description: {
            type: Sequelize.STRING
        published: {
            type: Sequelize.BOOLEAN

    return Tutorial;

For Routes -> This will house all routers

module.exports = app => {
    // Register your controller here ******IMPORTANT********
    const tutorials = require("../controllers/tutorial.controller.js");

    var router = require("express").Router();

    // Create a new Tutorial
    router.post("/", tutorials.create);

    // Retrieve all Tutorials
    router.get("/", tutorials.findAll);

    // Retrieve all published Tutorials
    router.get("/published", tutorials.findAllPublished);

    // Retrieve a single Tutorial with id
    router.get("/:id", tutorials.findOne);

    // Update a Tutorial with id
    router.put("/:id", tutorials.update);

    // Delete a Tutorial with id
    router.delete("/:id", tutorials.delete);

    // Create a new Tutorial
    router.delete("/", tutorials.deleteAll);

    /***** IMPORTANT UR URL Will be relative to this*******/
    app.use('/api/tutorials', router);

In server.js

//below main get add ur route

//above port
const PORT=8080;

For Controllers -> This will house all API endpoints behaviour a particular object

Create xxxx.controller.js

const db = require("../models");
const Tutorial = db.tutorials;
const Op = db.Sequelize.Op;
/****** YOUR LOGIC *****/

// Create and Save a new Tutorial
exports.create = (req, res) => {
  //req will have have a body use it to ur own way


// Retrieve all Tutorials from the database.
exports.findAll = (req, res) => {

// Find a single Tutorial with an id
exports.findOne = (req, res) => {

// Update a Tutorial by the id in the request
exports.update = (req, res) => {

// Delete a Tutorial with the specified id in the request
exports.delete = (req, res) => {

// Delete all Tutorials from the database.
exports.deleteAll = (req, res) => {

// Find all published Tutorials
exports.findAllPublished = (req, res) => {

Frontend part

  1. Copy src/App.js
  2. Copy src/index.js