
CLI to download Qt on headless systems

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


CLI to download Qt on headless systems



sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3-pip p7zip-full
sudo pip3 install requests semantic_version lxml


brew install python3 p7zip
pip3 install requests semantic_version lxml


Start by reading help: ./qt-downloader --help

Basic usage pattern is ./qt-downloader [os] [target] [version] [toolchain]

Arguments are designed to be provided from left to right, so that one can discover reasonable values step by step. Feeling doubtful about what to type? Don't bother typing. Fire a command as is, and allowed values for first yet to be specified argument are to be handed to you after a while.

Here's an example:

$ ./qt-downloader
Discovering available OS types... Done
  Choose from: linux, linux_x86, macos, windows

$ ./qt-downloader macos
OS type: macos
Discovering available targets... Done
  Choose from: android, desktop, ios

At any step, one might add option --all and all yet to be specified arguments are to be discovered in one go. This way, discovering of all the arguments at the very beginning is possible too: ./qt-downloader --all. Bear in mind, though, that this operation lasts for about half a minute and provides lengthy output.

Qt kit lands into folder with name equal to requested version. This folder is created in the current working directory.