
Manber Myers suffix array construction algorithm in CUDA

Primary LanguageCuda

#Prefix doubling suffix array sort

This repo contains an implementation of the manber myers prefix doubling sort in CUDA.

It is used to create the suffix array of a given string. Suffix arrays may be used in data compression, genomic sequencing or text indexing.

##Build The project can be built "as-is" with visual studio 2013 community and CUDA toolkit 7.5 or greater.

CUDA toolkit 7.5 is required due to the GPU lambda feature which makes the code more readable and concise.

##Benchmarks Benchmarks performed with an i7-4700MQ and Nvidia GT 740m with 2GB video memory.

The algorithm is tested up to sizes of 50MB on a 2GB card. You may find it runs out of memory at larger sizes.

For the CPU version I have used a simple O(nlog(n)) prefix doubling implementation available from http://codeforces.com/blog/entry/4025.

Test sizes are 10MB and 30MB and alphabet sizes are 4 (e.g. DNA), 26 and 256. Data is randomly generated.

Note: Realistically you would not perform a suffix array sort on random data - it just provides a quick way of establishing basic performance characteristics.

Implementation Size (MB) Alphabet size Time (s)
CPU 10 4 62.70
GPU 10 4 14.61
CPU 10 26 9.45
GPU 10 26 1.35
CPU 10 256 7.66
GPU 10 256 0.75
CPU 30 4 240.31
GPU 30 4 40.57
CPU 30 26 35.97
GPU 30 26 3.99
CPU 30 256 30.26
GPU 30 256 2.27