
A little bucket of Bolt Experiments

Primary LanguagePascal

Bolt Samples

This repository contains the simplest implementation of Bolt concepts we can pull together. This is VERY MUCH work in progress

Main Notes

  • Need a method to grab data in one task, set it as a variable in the plan, and use the data in a follow-on task run by the plan
  • All code in this repo should be considered a short-term best attempt, at this phase.


This Boltdir is designed to ensure python_task_helper is available. In the future, it should also bring in ruby_task_helper. Python is a more common language seen in DevOps practitioners, so we'll start there. Can consider shell again in the future as well.



Stuff is my second attempt at building a task that generates data in the first task, and writes it out to a file in the second. This site-module should absolutely be renamed to something sensical when we have a data in/data out sample in Python.



Sample is my first attempt at building a task that generates data in the first task (generate.py) and places it into a file in my second task (read.py). This set of code remains as a building block, but should be removed as "stuff" comes to fruitition. This module has been set aside so that components aren't lost that may be of value.

Tl;dr: This project outgrew my simple use case, but I didn't want to lose progress. Looking to do something more targeted in "stuff"


  • Plan: example.pp - The plan that ties it all together
  • generate.py - Scans /etc/conf and etc/resolv.conf
    • generate.json - Controls input, brings in task helper during runtime
  • read.py - Opens a file and dumps contents (I know, the name is awful. Scratch work)
    • read.json - Controls input, brings in task helper during runtime
  • structure.py - lazily stolen, but does a simple job of snatching up some OS info and dropping it as JSON output (Quality Working Block for Costco use-case)