This repository contains the simplest implementation of Bolt concepts we can pull together. This is VERY MUCH work in progress
- Need a method to grab data in one task, set it as a variable in the plan, and use the data in a follow-on task run by the plan
- All code in this repo should be considered a short-term best attempt, at this phase.
This Boltdir is designed to ensure python_task_helper is available. In the future, it should also bring in ruby_task_helper. Python is a more common language seen in DevOps practitioners, so we'll start there. Can consider shell again in the future as well.
Stuff is my second attempt at building a task that generates data in the first task, and writes it out to a file in the second. This site-module should absolutely be renamed to something sensical when we have a data in/data out sample in Python.
- Plan: rw.pp - Runs stuff::read and stuff:write. Creates Data for both, attempts to use the data.
- Note: <-- Good Sample
- Task: stuff::read - Cracks open /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf and returns the contents as a string
- Note: Not JSON blob - See
- Note: Although this is powershell, notice we're dumping the data into JSON for the plan (
- Task: stuff::write - Takes in data, and writes to a file called test.txt - Meant to prove data has been moved from task to task
- Note: This task, on this file line, contains a sample of finding our data from within the ResultSet: (
Sample is my first attempt at building a task that generates data in the first task ( and places it into a file in my second task ( This set of code remains as a building block, but should be removed as "stuff" comes to fruitition. This module has been set aside so that components aren't lost that may be of value.
Tl;dr: This project outgrew my simple use case, but I didn't want to lose progress. Looking to do something more targeted in "stuff"
- Plan: example.pp - The plan that ties it all together
- - Scans /etc/conf and etc/resolv.conf
- generate.json - Controls input, brings in task helper during runtime
- - Opens a file and dumps contents (I know, the name is awful. Scratch work)
- read.json - Controls input, brings in task helper during runtime
- - lazily stolen, but does a simple job of snatching up some OS info and dropping it as JSON output (Quality Working Block for Costco use-case)