
App for Muse PROTO board(ESP32 based)

Primary LanguageC++


Here is a tiny speaker app using a Muse Proto board

with 2 running modes:

  • bluetooth player (BT ID : MUSE-SPEAKER-xxxxxx)
  • SD player(mp3)

It uses 3 buttons:

  • VM (gpio 32)
    • short press => volume -
    • long press => backward (SD mode)
  • VP (gpio 19)
    • short press => volume +
    • long press => forward (Sd mode)
  • MU (gpio 12)
    • short press => mute/unmute
    • very long press => stop (deep sleep) / restart

Before building it using Arduino...

  1. You have to add the Muse specific library (muse_lib) to Arduino libraries
For example using these bash commands :

         > cd ..../museProto_radio
         > cp -r muse_lib ..../Arduino/libraries
  1. You have also to copy some audio files from the "data" directory to the flash memory

       with Arduino : => Tools => ESP32 Sketch Data Upload