
Libraries and things for the Orion5 robotic arm

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Orion5 Robotic Arm

Please read through the Quick Start Guide and watch the videos before using Orion5

Orion5 Quick Start Guide: https://goo.gl/DQm3x3

Orion5 User Manual: https://goo.gl/h3i2br

Orion5 Tutorial Videos: https://goo.gl/5tkjUF

Orion5 Simulator - Windows

If you're a Windows user, you can run the .exe installer available in the latest release: https://github.com/rawrobotics/Orion5/releases/latest

This installer will install the Python3.7 and the required python libraries automatically. Skip the other setup steps below if you are using the simulator.

The simulator program runs a copy of the Orion5Server.py in the background, which you can connect to from either your Python or MATLAB script. The simulator lets you choose if your code should control a simulated Orion5 robotic arm, or a real one that is plugged in via USB. Example: https://youtu.be/yubWzbC6mr4

Coming to Linux and MacOS soon.

Install Dependencies

Follow these steps before attempting to use the Python or MATLAB libraries

  1. Install the latest version of Python 3 (3.7 at the time of writing) onto your machine: https://www.python.org/downloads/
  2. Windows users: Make sure to select the "Add Python to PATH" option while installing.
  3. Install dependencies for libraries using pip3 install pyserial.
  4. Check if pyserial was installed correctly by running python3 -c "import serial" if you see no error message, it worked!
  5. If the pip3 command is not found or the library is not available, navigate to your Python install directory, on Windows this is usually C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37, enter the Scripts directory and launch a PowerShell/cmd window using Shift + RightClick, and then try ./pip3 install pyserial.
  6. If Orion5 robotic arm is not being recognised by Orion5Server.py or coming up as "not recognised" by your machine, you may need to update your Virtual COM Port (VCP) driver, find the appropriate installer for your machine here: https://www.ftdichip.com/Drivers/VCP.htm

MATLAB Library

In order to use the MATLAB library, the Orion5Server.py Python program is required to run in the background; it acts as an interface between MATLAB and the Orion5 Robotic Arm

Python Server

  1. The program Orion5Server.py is required to be running in the background to use the MATLAB library.
  2. If the 'Install Dependencies' steps above have been completed, launch the Orion5Server.py program by double clicking it or by running python3 Orion5Server.py in the Libraries directory.
  3. The server will print out Waiting for connections if it is running correctly. You will see a Connection from when either MATLAB script or Python script connects to the server.
  4. If your MATLAB script crashes midway or does not call the <library_reference>.stop() function correctly upon completion, a socket may be kept open from MATLAB to Orion5Server.py. This may appear as an OS Error in python, or a socket error in MATLAB next time you run your script. Simply call the <library_reference>.stop() function in the MATLAB console to cleanly exit the Orion5.m library.
  5. Press Ctrl+C to quit the server cleanly.

Basic Usage

The library pings the Python server every second if no other library functions are being called, this is like a watchdog timer, if Python server doesn't hear anything for 5 seconds, it will return to waiting for a new connection.
The MATLAB script test_script.m demonstrates some of the functionality.

Create an instance of the library

orion = Orion5();

Cleanup and quit an instance


Joint ID constants

Use these constants to select which joint to interact with.


Notes about control mode

The smart servos used in Orion5 have a number of control modes; namely POS_SPEED, POS_TIME and VELOCITY.

POS_SPEED: The servo will move towards the desired goal position (set using setJointPosition) at the desired speed (set using setJointSpeed) after moving through its acceleration profile.

POS_TIME: The servo will move towards the desired goal position (set using setJointPosition) and arrive there in a specified amount of time (set using setJointTimeToPosition). Time is passed to the function as seconds, and the time can have a resolution of 100ms.

VELOCITY: In this mode the servo will move at the speed set by setJointSpeed or setAllJointsSpeed and ignore desired position and hard angle limits set in the servo by the embedded electronics. Users must make sure to read servo positions in a high frequency control loop to avoid driving joints through each other. There is no acceleration profile in this mode; so users will have to consider this in their control system implementations - Otherwise inertia of moving joints will damage gearboxes and make for not-very-smooth motion.

(Embedded processor enables Orion5 to prevent users from driving joints through each other. However do not rely on this in your control loop as it enables emergency stop mode, requiring user intervention to resolve. See the user manual (https://goo.gl/h3i2br) for more details.)

To set the control mode for each joint

The following constants are available in the Orion5.m library.


This function will set the desired control mode for a specified joint.

orion.setJointControlMode(Orion5.BASE, Orion5.POS_TIME);

Getters and Setters for all joints

Read all joint positions

This will return an array of 5 angles in degrees in the range 0-359 for all joints.
You can use the Joint ID constants to index this array.

all_positions = orion.getAllJointsPosition();

Read all joint speeds

This will return an array of 5 speeds, servo speed is represented as a 10 bit number (0-1023).
The conversion to RPM is shown in the example below.
You can use the Joint ID constants to index this array.

all_speeds = orion.getAllJointsSpeed();
shoulder_speed_RPM = all_speeds(Orion5.SHOULDER) * 0.110293;

Read all joint loads

This will return an array of 5 values representing the current load on each joint.
Load for the G15 servos is an arbitrary value representing the electrical current through the motor.
The load value is a 10 bit number (0-1023).
You can use the Joint ID constants to index this array.

all_loads = orion.getAllJointsLoad();

Set all joint positions

This function takes an array of 5 angles in degrees, in the range 0-359, and sets the position for all joints in one function call.
This method is several times faster than calling the setJointPosition function separately for each joint.

positions = [0 216.8 62.5 225.94 30];

Set all joint speeds

This function takes an array of 5 speeds, in the range 0-1023, and sets the speed for all joints in one function call.
This method is several times faster than calling the setJointSpeed function separately for each joint.
Set the direction of the velocity by wrapping the desired speed with the CWVelocity(v) and CCWVelocity(v) functions - for clockwise, and counter-clockwise movement respectively.
(A future update will use the sign of the velocity to determine the direction)
Make sure to set control mode to Orion5.POS_SPEED or Orion5.VELOCITY before calling this function.
Read more about control mode at the top of this file

speeds = [0 0 CWVelocity(120) CCWVelocity(90) 0];

Set all joints torque enable setting

The G15 servos have a torque enable setting, if enabled in position mode this means the servos will hold their position using motor torque.
Be aware that if torque is disabled in position mode the servo will still move.
If torque is disabled in velocity mode, the servo should stop moving suddenly, the same effect as setting speed to 0.

orion.setAllJointsTorqueEnable([1 1 1 1 0]);

Getters and Setters for one joint

Read a joint position

This will return an angle in degrees in the range 0-359 for one joint specified using the Joint ID constants.

shoulder_pos = orion.getJointPosition(Orion5.SHOULDER)

Read a joint Speed

This will return a speed as a 10 bit number for one joint. Find the conversion factor for RPM above.

elbow_speed = orion.getJointSpeed(Orion5.ELBOW)

Read a joint load

This will return the load for a single joint - represented as a 10 bit number. Read above for more information.

shoulder_pos = orion.getJointLoad(Orion5.WRIST)

Set a joint position

This takes an angle in degrees in the range 0-359.

orion.setJointPosition(Orion5.ELBOW, 135)

Set a joint speed

This function sets the speed for the specified servo.
Please read the notes about setAllJointsSpeed above
Read more about control mode at the top of this file

orion.setJointPosition(Orion5.ELBOW, 135)

Set a time to position

This function will set the speed such that the specified joint will arrive at the goal position in time seconds.
Make sure to set control mode to Orion5.POS_TIME before calling this function

orion.setJointTimeToPosition(Orion5.SHOULDER, time)

Turn on/off torque for one servo

% turn on
orion.setJointTorqueEnable(Orion5.WRIST, 1)

% turn off
orion.setJointTorqueEnable(Orion5.BASE, 0)

Configuration Values

There are several configuration values that are writable from user software. These variables are stored in volatile memory, so remember to set these each time you power cycle Orion5. Offsets can be used to correct any missaligned joints, such as the shoulder or base.

Offset angles are integers in units of 0-1087, which corresponds to the range 0-359

angle1087 = int32(angle360 * 1088.0 / 360.0)

Configuration values include:

  • baseOffset: Offset angle added to base angle in embedded firmware, default is 0.
  • shoulderOffset: Offset angle added to shoulder angle in embedded firmware, default is 0.
  • elbowOffset: Offset angle added to elbow angle in embedded firmware, default is 0.
  • wristOffset: Offset angle added to wrist angle in embedded firmware, default is 0.
  • clawOffset: Offset angle added to claw angle in embedded firmware, default is 0.
  • clawLoadLimit: Value between 0-1023, claw won't move if load exceeds this, default is 180.
  • fieldInflation: This value inflates the protection fields of each joint, default is 3mm.
  • clawHomePos: This value sets the position that claws move to when Claw Home Button is used, default is 120.

To change one of these configuration values

orion.setConfigValue('clawLoadLimit', 250);

Known Issues

  • If user MATLAB code calling the library crashes, the keep alive ping will keep happening in the background. Users can stop this by running <library_instance>.stop() in MATLAB console. It would be best to surround your code with a try/catch structure.