
Github/Slack Review Bot

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


used to express reproof, derision, or remonstrance

-- Mirriam Webster Dictionary


What is it?

Tool to help manage Github pull requests through Slack by assigning users to PRs and notifying them via Slack private messages. Also include a daily todo list notified via slack.

PR management is done via a fairly simple rule engine which works with user pools. The author of a PR is tested against a user pool and if there's a match then we can pick a certain number of users from one or more user pool. The selected users are then assigned as requested reviewers in Github and a Slack notification is sent to the user.

The complete Slack summary takes the form of:

- [age] repo/pr: title

- [age] repo/pr: title

- [age] repo/pr: title

- [age] repo/pr: title

- [age] repo/pr: title

Inspirational Quotes:
> quote


  • Assigned: the user was assigned to this PR
  • Pending: the user is responsible for reviewing this PR
  • Ready: this user's PR is ready to be merged
  • Open: this user's PR is still waiting reviews
  • Requested: this user was manually requested to review the given PR

How To Build


Uses golang's mod feature and dependencies are vendored.


CONFIG=<path> GITHUB_TOKEN=<token> SLACK_TOKEN=<token> gups [-dry-run] [-dump-users] [-full]

Environment variables are as follows:

Key Example Value
CONFIG /etc/gups.json Path to configuration file
GITHUB_TOKEN 1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678 Github token
SLACK_TOKEN i-dont-remember-what-it-looks-like Slack internal app token

Getting a Github token is pretty straight-forward. For a slack token you'll need to manually create a Gups app and install it within your workspace. Once installed you'll be given a token that you can give to Gups.

Providing no command line arguments will execute Gups default behaviour which is to scan Github and send Slack notifications. The command line arguments are utilities provided by Gups:

Argument Effect
-full Sends a full summary of pending, open and ready PRs.
-dry-run Sends the Slack notification to the console instead of Slack
-dump-users Dumps all the visible users in the Slack workspace


The configuration file provided through the CONFIG environment variable is a json file with the following form:

	"github_to_slack_user": {
		"github-user-a": "slack-user-a",
		"github-user-b": "slack-user-b",
		"github-user-c": "slack-user-c"
	"skip_pr_labels": [ "wip" ],
	"pools": {
		"team-a": [ "github-user-a", "github-user-b" ],
		"team-b": [ "github-user-c" ]
	"ruleset": {
		"my-rules": [
			{ "if": "team-a", "pick": [ "team-a:1" ] },
			{ "if": "team-b", "pick": [ "team-b:1" ] },
			{ "pick": [ "team-a:1", "team-b:1" ] }
	"repos": [
		{ "path": "my-org/my-repo", "rule": "my-rules" },
		{ "path": "my-org/my-other-repo", "rule": "my-rules" }

github_to_slack_user contains a mapping of Github username to Slack username which basically tells Gups how to reach a given Github user on Slack. Note that if a Github user is not present in this list then it will be ignored by Gups. The -dump-users command line argument utility can be useful to figure out if a Slack user is accessible with the provided token which can be a problem when dealing with multiple Slack workspace.

skip_pr_labels contains a list of labels that, when found on a PR, indicate that the PR should be skipped.

pools contains a mapping of pool names to a list of Github users that belong to this given pool. The pool name is used within the ruleset section.

ruleset contains a mapping of the ruleset name to a list of rules. The rules are evaluated in order where if the if field is present then the author or the PR is tested against the users in the referenced pool. If no if field is provided then it always matches. If a match is found then the pick field indicates how to assign reviewers using the format <pool>:<count> where team-a:2 indicates that 2 users should be picked from the pool team-a. Once assignement is done, then the subsequent rules are not evaluated.

repos lists all the Github repos to be scanned by Gups. The path entry is the simplified Github path for the repo which takes the form <github-username>/<repo-name>. The rule entry references one of the ruleset specificed in the ruleset section of the configuration file.

Additional Notes

Gups uses Github's requested reviewers as it's persistance layer. Which means that whenever the rule engine executes, it takes into account any currently assigned reviewers. In other words, if a user has a review request and belongs to a pool then, Gups will assume that this user is assigned to review the PR and will therefore adjust it's picking mechanism accordingly. This will happen regardless of whether the user was assigned by Gups or not.

Note that this leads to a fair number of edge conditions that Gups tries to handle as gracefully as possible.
