Welcome to Whelp...

Whelp is a clone of the Yelp website. Whelp helps people who's original plans fell through and want to find something else to do in their area. It aims to be the best source for finding your next best options.

Live Link


Python Flask JavaScript NodeJS HTML5 CSS3 Postgres SQLite React Redux Git GitHub Render


Landing Page


Business Page

Business Page

Getting Started

  1. Install python dependencies by running the pipenv install -r requirements.txt command.

  2. Install node dependencies by running the npm install --prefix frontend

  3. Make sure to create a .env file by following the .env.example given.

  4. Set up database by running the following commands:

    pipenv shell
    flask db upgrade
    flask seed all
  5. Start backend server by running the flask run command.

  6. Start frontend server by running the following commands:

    cd frontend
    npm start


Feel free to get in touch with me on LinkedIn!