
Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Database Management Systems Project: Airline Client Application

In this project, an implementation of a PostgreSQL Database. The project includes a set of dummy data, scripts to load the data in DB, and Java code to build the client application. Specifically we implement the following functionality using the given schema:

  • Add Plane: Ask the user for details of a plane and add it to the DB
  • Add Pilot: Ask the user for details of a pilot and add it to the DB
  • Add Flight: Ask the user for details of a flight and add it to the DB
  • Add Technician: Ask user for details of a technician and add it to the DB
  • Book Flight: Given a customer and flight that he/she wants to book, determine the status of the reservation (Waitlisted/Confirmed/Reserved) and add the reservation to the database with appropriate status.
  • List number of available seats for a given flight: Given a flight number and a departure date, find the number of available seats in the flight.
  • List total number of repairs per plane in descending order: Return the list of planes in decreasing order of number of repairs that have been made on the planes.
  • List total number of repairs per year in ascending order: Return the years with the number of repairs made in those years in ascending order of number of repairs per year.
  • Find total number of passengers with a given status: For a given flight and passenger status, return the number of passengers with the given status.

Getting Started

These instructions will help you get a project of the project and up and running on your local machine for development or testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


To run this code you need PostgreSQL installed on your machine. For instructions on how to install Postgres please refer to this link


Once Postgres has been installed on your machine you are ready to run the program.

To intialize the database, navigate to the postgresql folder and do the following:

source startPostgreSQL.sh
source createPostgreDB.sh

To verify your server is running type

pg_ctl status

Next, navigate to the src folder to compile and run the program. Type the following:


Running the tests

Each selection code allows you to implement the respective action/query.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • Dr. Chinya Ravishankar
  • Mr. Payas Rajan