- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#453 opened by renovate - 0
[Bug] Late counter increment in IdlingDispatcher
#646 opened by Dimezis - 0
update for AAC Lifecycle 2.5.0
#615 opened by kenyee - 0
Missing license URL
#606 opened by realdadfish - 4
Kotlin Coroutines 1.6.x support
#440 opened by wbervoets - 0
- 0
withViewLifecycleScope does not continue collection after the first view LifecycleScopeOwner is destroyed
#236 opened by RBusarow - 1
junit-vintage-engine as runtimeOnly dependency
#231 opened by realdadfish - 0
Don't generate a BuildConfig for android artifacts
#233 opened by RBusarow - 1
Kotlin Multiplatform support
#227 opened by belousovgm - 2
Artifact BOM
#219 opened by realdadfish - 2
Question: Testing coroutine creation
#205 opened by Alival-IT - 0
- 0
#157 opened by RBusarow - 0
- 0
flowOn___ functions should use currentCoroutineContext to resolve the flow's internal context
#181 opened by RBusarow - 0
dispatch-extensions module doesn't exist
#161 opened by asarkar - 0
- 0
Memory leak in LifecycleCoroutineScopeStore
#136 opened by damianw - 0
LifecycleCoroutineScope is not automatically cancelled when lifecycle is DESTROYED
#135 opened by RBusarow - 0
- 0
#152 opened by RBusarow - 0
LifecycleCoroutineScope's argument should be a CoroutineContext instead of MainImmediateCoroutineScope
#143 opened by RBusarow - 0
Introduce LifecycleCoroutineScopeFactory
#144 opened by RBusarow - 1
- 0
- 0
JUnit5 external links in KDoc are broken
#118 opened by RBusarow - 0
AndroidX capitalization
#120 opened by RBusarow - 0
Missing KDocs for CoroutineTestExtension
#116 opened by RBusarow - 0
Incorrect dispatch-android-viewmodel package
#114 opened by RBusarow - 0
Create an Android Lint rule to prevent usage of the Androidx version of lifecycleScope
#32 opened by RBusarow - 0
- 1
Create an Android Lint rule for disallowing use of the androidx viewModelScope
#31 opened by RBusarow - 0
Add Lint rules warning against accessing the Dispatchers object or creating CoroutineScope without a DispatcherProvider
#21 opened by RBusarow - 0
Switch documentation to knit
#51 opened by RBusarow - 0
New name for library and base package
#24 opened by RBusarow - 0
Add TestCoroutineRule for JUnit 4
#38 opened by RBusarow - 5
runBlockingTestProvided() must add the TestCoroutineDispatcher to the context
#15 opened by ralfstuckert