
This project is going to support citizens from the state of Indiana, particularly in the Lafayette area, in making more informed decisions for travel inside the U.S. by providing them with information about the current state, spread, and risk of a virus and disease. It is going to map certain area with virus & disease presense.

  1. Keyword: virus, desease, travel.

  2. Datasets:

    Climate data online

    Climate Data Online provides statistical data related to various aspects of climate and weather like precipitation, temperature, rainfall and so on. The data is available for various levels of granularity - hourly, daily, monthly. You can read about the API here. is a repository for federal government information, made available to the public. All of the data is available in machine readable form, so you can easily retrieve data from using javascript. has datasets related to all aspects of government like consumer complaints, international trade, zip-code, hotels, restaurants, etc.

    Centers for disease control and prevention

    CDC is the leading national public health institute in the United States and supplies updated data about various deseases and health problems.

  3. Brief Description

    This project is going to taking input of location where citizen would like to travel, and display the virus & desease presence in that area. There will be markers circling around that area with info windows to show information about that virus & disease such as name, affeted ratio according to population, affected percentage compared to other major diseases & virus, which will be displayed as a pie chart.

Fill in the structued description:

  • Map View:

    1. [Y] Basic Map with specific location (your map is located in a meaningful place, city of west lafayette for example)
    2. [Y] Markers for location of markets
    3. [N] Labels for markets' names
    4. [Y] InfoWindow to show detail information of a market
    5. [N] [describe] Any other cover on the map (for example, cloud cover to show the weather effect)
  • Data Visualization:

    1. [Y] [describe] Use Graph? What is the type? Affected percentage compared to other major diseases & virus, which will be displayed as a pie chart.
    2. [N] [List] Any interaction available on the graph? List them (enable click on numbers, drag on lines, change time/variables ...)
  • Interaction Form:

    1. [Y] [List] textfileds to ask input from user like travel destination, transportation, travel time and etc. Botton to submit.
    2. [N] [List] Any operation option (filters)? List them. (search markets, search vegetables, filter based on price, sort based on convenience ...)
    3. [Y] [List] Any information input? List them. (comments, markers, user preference ...)
    4. [N] [List] Interaction with Map? List them. (filter on price will affect map markers, sort on price will affect map markers, ...)
    5. [N] [List] Interaction with data visualization? List them. (filter, sort, set variables ...)
  1. Build Case How can we build and access your project on a Linux/Unix machine if you use external dependencies besides HTML/CSS/Javascript? List the dependencies you used, such as python, node.js, etc. List the steps we should follow to build the project. Your project will be built on Amazon Web Service, EC2, ubuntu 14.01 instance

    No for now

  2. Test Case Which browsers did you test your project on? Chrome, IE, Edge, Safari, or Firefox?

    I will use Chrome to test my project.