Cypress Recorder is a Chrome developer tool that records user interaction within a web application and generates Cypress scripts to allow the developer to replicate that particular session. This will speed up your development cycle by facilitating the creation of end-to-end tests with Cypress.
Download Cypress Recorder from the Chrome Web Store. That's it! Once you see our icon at the upper-right of your browser window, you are ready to start generating Cypress scripts.
This extension will allow you to:
- Record clicks, typing, submits, and navigation in the browser.
- See the scripts render live as they are generated.
- Delete accidental actions.
- Reorder actions as necessary.
- Pause and resume recording within a single session.
- Record navigation within a superdomain.
- Copy the generated code to your clipboard.
Open the extension and click 'Start Recording' to begin recording actions.
Click links, submit forms, etc.
Check your saved actions by opening the popup at any time. To check recording status at a glance, note our icon: if recording, it will look like this:
Click 'Stop Recording' to stop recording. From there, you will have the option to resume recording, reset, or copy your generated code to your clipboard.
You can also use keyboard shortcuts: On Macs:
- Ctrl + R to start and stop recording
- Ctrl + G to reset
On PCs and Linux:
- Alt + R to start and stop recording
- Alt + G to reset
We welcome contributions! Please read our CONTRIBUTING guide to learn about our development process (linting, testing, etc) and how to propose bugfixes and improvements to Cypress Recorder.
- Abbey Campbell abbeycampbell
- Bradley Morgan bkmorgan3
- Ken Sakuma ken-can-code
- Adam Stover adam-stover
- Huge thanks to maximiliangonzalez for the guidance and seasoning:sparkles:
- Inspiration for this project: Puppeteer Recorder
赛普拉斯记录器是一个chrome开发人员工具,可记录用户使用Web应用程序过程中的所生成赛普拉斯代码,以允许开发人员复制该段时间的会话。 通过使用建立单元测试和集成测试,从而加快开发周期。
サイプレスレコーダーは、Webアプリケーション内のユーザーインタラクションを記録し、サイプレススクリプトを生成し、開発者が特定のセッションを複製できるようにするためのChrome開発者ようのツールです。 これにより、サイプレスを使用してエンドツーエンドのテストを簡単に作成でき、開発サイクルが短縮されます。