Liquid web wallet

NOTE: only a mock up for now

A Liquid web wallet that runs in the browser.

Watch-only mode works in any modern browser, connection with JADE requires web serial and works on chrome, chromium, edge.

Based on LWK wasm

Try locally


  • npm
  • wasm-pack

With nix install those with nix-shell

Execute once (and every time to update lwk_wasm dep):

$ npm install


$ npm run start


$ npm run build

Copy dist folder to the web server

Avoid ids

When possible avoid ids, use web components as "namespace" and querySelector on html elements, in case of multiple elements use querySelectorAll and maps in the js class


  • Avoid js frameworks, use vanilla JS and web standards
  • Use only lwk_wasm as npm dep
  • Keep it simple and maintainable
  • No images and almost no custom css, only picocss
  • encapsulate logics in web components
  • Global state, but every web component is in charge of itself, use events to communicates changes to other
  • Most html stay in a .html -> use html templates