A simple REST API for e-commerce made with Flask
This project uses as a base the project semver_ci for pipeline and versioning.
- Docker: ^19.03.12
- Docker compose: ^1.22.0
Run docker-compose up -d
to start all services.
To run tests, you have to access the flask service. This can be done using the following command:
docker-compose exec flask sh
/code# poetry install
/code# coverage run
/code# coverage report
- Python: 3.8.3
- pyenv: ^1.2.19-3
- Poetry: ^1.0.9
- PostgreSQL: 12.3
was used for package management andpyenv
was used for python versions management.
Change necessary variables in
to connect with yourPostgreSQL
With poetry
and pyenv
installed, install python 3.8.3 with pyenv:
pyenv install 3.8.3
Then start the app with:
poetry install
flask run -h '' -p 5000
With application runing access http://localhost:5000/apidocs/
Heroku Config Vars
DATABASE_URL # Complete url from postgres Dyno
FLASK_APP # run.py
FLASK_CONFIG # development | testing | production