Official outputs from the RDA DMP Common Standards WG
- Ahmed-ShiblNYUAD
- anapetrus
- andreamedinasmith
- aninder
- argsoDEEC - UC / INESCC
- asteinoUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- borsnaSwedish National Data Service
- codeisafourletter
- earnaudMuséum National d'Histoire Naturelle - MNHN
- FDonatiLeiden University @CMLPlatform
- gonzalomerino
- holehan@leibniz-psychology
- jgranduel
- jomtovStockholm University
- lnandersonPacific Northwest National Laboratory
- MarekSuchanek@ds-wizard @codevence
- mariapraetzellis
- matthewjchandler@pulibrary
- moisbo@UQ
- pedrohserranoNetherlands
- philippconzettUiT The Arctic University of Norway
- rabuono
- richarda23Accenture
- RosaLoKTH
- ryanmwhitephdNational Research Council
- scoutcalvertMichigan State University
- sefnyn
- sejoskaUniversitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
- silvae86Times Higher Education
- SotosTsepeTU Wien
- ticheler@GeoCat
- tsunekawaChuo University, Faculty of Letter
- vaidasmoKTU
- wna-seUppsala University, @NBISweden
- yvanlebrasMNHN
- zambujo@frontiersin