
various utilities and codes developed for pSIMS applications around the 1896 project

Primary LanguagePython


Various utilities and codes developed for pSIMS applications around the 1896 project


Several postprocessing Python utilities are available in the repository. These include the following.

bin/campaign/convert2date.py -i <inputfile> -v <variable> -o <outputfile>

This script converts a date variable given by <variable> in <inputfile> from a Julian day representation to a YYYYMMDD representation. The new date variable is stored as an integer in <outputfile>.

bin/campaign/extrapolateGrid.py -i <inputfile> -m <maskfile> -v <variable> --wlat <wlat> --wlon <wlon> -o <outputfile>

This script extrapolates <variable> from <inputfile> to all points in <maskfile> and saves the result to <outputfile>. The distance measure used for extrapolation is a weighted Euclidean distance in latitude-longitude space, where <wlat> and <wlon> are the latitude and longitude weights, respectively. Both weights default to one.

bin/campaign/extrapolateGridAll.py -i <inputfile> -m <maskfile> --wlat <wlat> --wlon <wlon> -o <outputfile>

Similar to extrapolateGrid.py, this script extrapolates all spatial non-dimension variables from <inputfile> to all points in <maskfile> and saves the result to <outputfile>. The distance measure used for extrapolation is a weighted Euclidean distance in latitude-longitude space, where <wlat> and <wlon> are the latitude and longitude weights, respectively. Both weights default to one.

bin/campaign/filterGrid.py -i <inputfile> -v <variable> -m <minval> -o <outputfile>

This script sets <variable> to its median value for points whose deviation from the median is greater than 1.5 times the standard deviation or <minval>, whichever is greater. The result is saved into <outputfile>.

bin/campaign/maskunion.py --inputfile1 <inputfile1> --inputfile2 <inputfile2> -o <outputfile>

This script returns the mask union of two mask netCDF files <inputfile1> and <inputfile2> and saves the result to <outputfile>. The masks of the input files are designated by the "mask" variable.

bin/campaign/nc2gridlist.py -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile>

This script converts a mask netCDF file <inputfile> to its corresponding gridlist <outputfile>.

bin/campaign/cropprogress2campaign.planting.py -i <inputfile> -m <maskfile> --wlat <wlat> --wlon <wlon> -o <outputfile>

This script takes the 50th percentile planting date from <inputfile>, extrapolates it to the mask given in <maskfile> using the weights <wlat> and <wlon>, converts it to the YYYYMMDD representation, and saves the result in <outputfile>.