
RandR Web Application (author tracking)

Primary LanguageRuby



RandR is a web app designed to help users keep track of their favorite authors, upcoming book releases of said authors, and their favorite books using data from Amazon's Product Advertising API.

APIs Used

  • Amazon's Product Advertising API

    • used for...
    • Gems: jruby-openssl, vacuum, multi_xml
  • Goodreads API

    • used for...
    • Gems: ...


  • Users (Login credentials)

    • has a name
    • has an email
    • has a password digest
  • Authors

    • has a name
    • alive?
    • alert?
  • Books

    • has a title
    • has an author_id reference
    • belongs to Author
    • has an isbn
    • has a published date
    • has a small image url
    • has a large image url
    • has a buy link
    • future release?
  • Favorites

    • has a user_id reference
    • belongs to User
    • has an author_id reference
    • belongs to Author
    • notify?
  • Libraries

    • has a user_id reference
    • belongs to User
    • has an book_id reference
    • belongs to Book

User Stories:

As a User

  1. I want to be able to create an account so that my personal information is saved and secure.

  2. I want to be able to login to my account so that I can access my personal information.

  3. I want to be able to search for an author by the author's name so that I can save said author to my favorites.

  4. I want to be able to search for an author by a book they have released so that I can save said author to my favorites.

  5. I want to be able to save an author to my favorites so that I can access the informatoin at a later date and recieve updates based on my saved favorites.

  6. I want to recieve emails with information about future book release dates from my saved authors.

  7. I want to...

  • Functionality:
    • Book Search
    • Saved Books in My Library