
SeisMIC is a python software suite to monitor velocity changes using ambient seismic noise.

Primary LanguagePythonEuropean Union Public License 1.2EUPL-1.2

SeisMIC Build Status Documentation Status License: EUPL v1.2 codecov

Monitoring Velocity Changes using Ambient Seismic Noise

SeisMIC (Seismological Monitoring using Interferometric Concepts) is a python software that emerged from the miic library. SeisMIC provides functionality to apply some concepts of seismic interferometry to different data of elastic waves. Its main use case is the monitoring of temporal changes in a mediums Green's Function (i.e., monitoring of temporal velocity changes).

SeisMIC will handle the whole workflow to create velocity-change time-series including:

  • Downloading raw data
  • Adaptable preprocessing of the waveform data
  • Computating cross- and/or autocorrelations
  • Plotting tools for correlations
  • Database management of ambient seismic noise correlations
  • Adaptable postprocessing of correlations
  • Computation of velocity change time series
  • Plotting of dv time-series

SeisMIC handles correlations and data in an ObsPy-like manner.

Installation of this package

Download this package via GitHub and install it via bash terminal (the few steps shown below) or using the graphical user interface

# Download via wget or web-browser
wget https://github.com/PeterMakus/SeisMIC/tree/main

# unzip the package
unzip main.zip

# Change directory to the same directory that this repo is in (i.e., same directory as setup.py)
cd SeisMIC-main  # That's the standard name the folder should have

# Create the conda environment and install dependencies
conda env create -f environment.yml

# Activate the conda environment
conda activate seismic

# Install your package
pip install -e .

Getting started

Access SeisMIC's documentation here.

SeisMIC comes with a few tutorials (Jupyter notebooks). You can find those in the examples/ directory.

Reporting Bugs / Contact the developers

This version is an early release. If you encounter any issues or unexpected behaviour, please open an issue here on GitHub or contact the developers.