The goal of htmlRd is to provide methods for converting htmltools shiny.tag objects into Rd.
You can install the released version of htmlRd from CRAN with:
This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:
html <- with(htmltools::tags, {
div( h1("Converting HTML to Rd")
, p("Currently "
, code(a("htmlRd", href=""))
, " only supports HTML tags found in the "
, em("body"), " of the document."
Currently htmlRd
only supports HTML tags found in the body of the document.
#> \section{Converting HTML to Rd}{
#> Currently \code{\href{{}{htmlRd}}} only supports HTML tags found in the \emph{body} of the document.
#> }
The testextra
package is developed by the R Documentation Task Force, an R Consortium Infrastructure Steering Committee working group.