
Low and slow password spraying tool, designed to spray on an interval over a long period of time

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause



Low and slow password spraying tool, designed to spray on an interval over a long period of time.

Associated blog post by @sprocket_ed covering NTLM over HTTP, Exchange Web Services and spraycharles.



Using pipenv

git clone https://github.com/Tw1sm/spraycharles.git && cd spraycharles
pipenv --python 3 shell
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
./spraycharles.py -h

Using Docker

Build the container using the included Dockerfile.

git clone https://github.com/Tw1sm/spraycharles.git && cd spraycharles
docker build . -t spraycharles

You will most likely want to save and use a list of usernames and passwords during spraying. The easiest way to do this is by mapping a directory on your host with the container. Use the following command in Bash to map your present working directory to the spraycharles install directory inside the running container.

docker run -it -v $(pwd):/spraycharles/ spraycharles -h

Following your first run of the command above, a sparycharles directory will be created on your system where you can add username and password lists as well as access spraying logs.

From GitHub

$ git clone https://github.com/Tw1sm/spraycharles.git
$ cd spraycharles
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ ./spraycharles.py -h


Usage: spraycharles.py [OPTIONS]

  Low and slow password spraying tool...

  -p, --passwords TEXT            Filepath of the passwords list or a single
                                  password to spray.  [required]
  -u, --usernames TEXT            Filepath of the usernames list.  [required]
  -H, --host TEXT                 Host to password spray (ip or hostname). Can
                                  by anything when using Office365 module -
                                  only used for logfile name.
  -m, --module TEXT               Module corresponding to target host.
  --path TEXT                     NTLM authentication endpoint. Ex: rpc or ews
  -o, --output TEXT               Name and path of output csv where attempts
                                  will be logged.
  -a, --attempts INTEGER          Number of logins submissions per interval
                                  (for each user).
  -i, --interval INTEGER          Minutes inbetween login intervals.
  -e, --equal INTEGER             Does 1 spray for each user where password =
  -t, --timeout INTEGER           Web request timeout threshold. Default is 5
  -P, --port INTEGER              Port to connect to on the specified host.
                                  Default is 443.
  -f, --fireprox TEXT             The url of the fireprox interface, if you
                                  are using fireprox.
  -d, --domain TEXT               HTTP: Prepend DOMAIN\ to usernames. SMB:
                                  Supply domain for smb connection.
  --analyze                       Run the results analyzer after each spray
                                  interval. False positives are more likely
  --pause                         Pause the spray following a potentially
                                  successful login
  -j, --jitter INTEGER            Jitter time between requests in seconds.
  -jm, --jitter-min INTEGER       Minimum time between requests in seconds.
  -n, --notify [teams|slack|discord]
                                  Enable notifications for Slack, MS Teams or
  -w, --webhook TEXT              Webhook used for specified notification
  --config FILE                   Read configuration from FILE.
  -h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

Config File

It is possible to pre-populate command line arguments form a configuration file using the --config argument.

An example configuration file is listed below:

usernames = '/tmp/users.txt'
passwords = '/tmp/passwords.txt'
output = 'mail.acme.com.csv'
module = 'owa'
host = 'mail.acme.com'
domain = 'ACME'
analyze = 'True'
attempts = '1'
interval = '30'
timeout = '25'


Spraycharles has the ability to issue notifications to Discord, Slack and Microsoft Teams following a potentially successful login attempt. This list of notification providers can augmented using the utils/notify.py script. For any of the potential notification agents, you must specify its name and a webhook URL.

It is best to specify this information using the configuration file to keep your command shorter:

notify = 'slack'
webhook = 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'

Notifications sent to any of the providers will include the targeted hostname associated with the spraying job. This is expecially useful when spraying multiple targets at once using spraycharles. Note that unless you specify the --pause flag on execution, a notification will be issued following every spray iteration.


Basic usage (Office365)

./spraycharles.py -u users.txt -p passwords.txt -m Office365

Basic usage (non-Office365) with a single password, supplied via command line

./spraycharles.py -u users.txt -H webmail.company.com -p Password123 -m owa

Attempt 5 logins per user every 20 minutes

./spraycharles.py -n users.txt -H webmail.company.com -p passwords.txt -i 20 -a 5 -m owa

Usage with fireprox (Office365)

./spraycharles.py -u users.txt -p passwords.txt -m office365 -f abcdefg.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonawms.com

Spray host over SMB with 2 attempts per user every hour

./spraycharles.py -u users.txt -p passwords.txt -m Smb -H -a 2 -i 60


Spraycharles is packaged with some additional utilities to assist with spraying efforts.

Generating Custom Spray Lists

make_list.py will generate a password list based off the specifications provided in list_elements.json


Extracting Domain from NTLM over HTTP and SMB

ntlm_challenger.py will extract the internal domain from both NTLM over HTTP and SMB services using a command similar to the one listed below.

./utils/ntlm_challenger.py https://mail.acme.com/ews

Analyzing the results CSV file

analyze.py can read your output CSV and determine response lengths that are statistically relevant. With enough data, it should be able to pull successful logins out of your CSV file. This is not the only way to determine successful logins, depending on your target site, and I would still recommend checking the data yourself to be sure nothing is missed. For SMB, it will simply find entries that contain "SUCCESS"

./analyze.py myresults.csv


This tool is designed for use during penetration testing; usage of this tool for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It is the end user's responsibility to obey all applicable local, state and federal laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse of this program.


Git pre-commit is used to maintain code quality and ensure uniform formatting. To begin developing with spraycharles:

pip3 install pre-commit
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt
pre-commit install


  • @sprocket_ed for contributing: several spray modules, many of features that make spraycharles great, and the associated blog post
  • @b17zr for the ntlm_challenger.py script, which is included in the utils folder