
A node-steam plugin for Dota 2.

Primary LanguageProtocol BufferMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

A node-steam plugin for Dota 2, consider it in alpha state.

Check out my blog post (my only blog post), Extending node-dota2, for a rough overview of adding new functionality to the library.

Upgrade guide

<= 0.7.* to 1.0.0

A few backwards incompatible API changes were included with version 1.0.0.

The following methods were renamed:

Old method name New method name
getPlayerMatchHistory requestPlayerMatchHistory
profileRequest requestProfile
passportDataRequest requestPassportData
hallOfFameRequest requestHallOfFame
leaguesInMonthRequest requestLeaguesInMonth
practiceLobbyListRequest requestPracticeLobbyList
friendPracticeLobbyListRequest requestFriendPracticeLobbyList
matchDetailsRequest requestMatchDetails
matchmakingStatsRequest requestMatchmakingStats
findSourceTVGames requestSourceTVGames

And the following events were renamed:

Old event name New event name
chatChannelsReceived chatChannelsData
guildInvite guildInviteData
leaguesInMonthResponse leaguesInMonthData
leagueInfo leagueData
practiceLobbyListResponse practiceLobbyListData
friendPracticeLobbyListResponse friendPracticeLobbyListData
matches matchesData
matchData matchDetailsData

Finally we migrated to the 1.x.y version of node-steam. This caused all proto messages to become snake_cased instead of camelCased. As a consequence, many tags in responses and events have changed.



  • steamClient - Pass a SteamClient instance to use to send & receive GC messages.
  • debug - A boolean noting whether to print information about operations to console.
var Steam = require('steam'),
    steamClient = new Steam.SteamClient(),
    dota2 = require('dota2'),
    Dota2 = new dota2.Dota2Client(steamClient, true);

##Properties ###AccountID The current steam ID of the SteamClient converted to Dota 2 Account ID format. Not available until launch is called.

###Lobby The current lobby object (see CSODOTALobby). Null if the bot is not in a lobby.

###Party The current party object (see CSODOTAParty). Null if the bot is not in a party.

###PartyInvite The current party invite object (see CSODOTAPartyInvite). Null if the bot does not have an active incoming party invite.


All methods require the SteamClient instance to be logged on.



Reports to Steam that you're playing Dota 2, and then initiates communication with the Game Coordinator.


Tells Steam you were feeding.



  • Takes an input steam ID in any format and converts it into an int Account ID.


  • Takes an input Dota 2 acount ID in any format and converts it into a string steam ID.



  • item_positions - An array of tuples (itemid, position).

Attempts to move items within your inventory to the positions you set. Requires the GC to be ready (listen for the ready event before calling).


Attempts to delete an item. Requires the GC to be ready (listen for the ready event before calling).


joinChat(channel, [type])

  • channel - A string for the channel name.
  • [type] - The type of the channel being joined. Defaults to Dota2.schema.DOTAChatChannelType_t.DOTAChannelType_Custom.

Joins a chat channel. If the chat channel with the given name doesn't exist, it is created. Listen for the chatMessage event for other people's chat messages.

Notable channels:

  • Guild_########## - The chat channel of the guild with guild_id = ##########
  • Lobby_########## - The chat channel of the lobby with lobby_id = ##########


  • channel - A string for the channel name.

Leaves a chat channel.

sendMessage(channel, message)

  • channel - A string for the channel name.
  • message - The message you want to send.

Sends a message to the specified chat channel, won't send if you're not in the channel you try to send to.


Requests a list of chat channels from the GC. Listen for the chatChannelsData event for the GC's response.



Sends a request to the GC for new guild data, which returns guildOpenPartyData events - telling the client the status of current open parties for each guild, as well as exposing guildIds to the client.

inviteToGuild(guild_id, target_account_id, [callback])

  • guild_id - ID of a guild.
  • target_account_id - Account ID (lower 32-bits of a 64-bit steam id) of user to invite to guild.
  • [callback] - optional callback, returns args: err, response.

Attempts to invite a user to guild. Requires the GC to be ready (listen for the ready event before calling).

cancelInviteToGuild(guild_id, target_account_id, [callback])

  • guild_id - ID of a guild.
  • target_account_id - Account ID (lower 32-bits of a 64-bit steam id) of user whoms guild invite you wish to cancel.
  • [callback] - optional callback, returns args: err, response.

Attempts to cancel a user's guild invitation; use this on your own account ID to reject guild invitations. Requires the GC to be ready (listen for the ready event before calling).

setGuildAccountRole(guild_id, target_account_id, target_role, [callback])

  • guild_id - ID of a guild.
  • target_account_id - Account ID (lower 32-bits of a 64-bit steam id) of user whoms guild invite you wish to cancel.
  • target_role - Role in guild to have.
    • 0 - Kick member from guild.
    • 1 - Leader.
    • 2 - Officer.
    • 3 - Member.
  • [callback] - optional callback, returns args: err, response.

Attempts to set a user's role within a guild; use this with your own account ID and the 'Member' role to accept guild invitations. Requires the GC to be ready (listen for the ready event before calling).


requestPlayerMatchHistory(account_id, [options], [callback])

  • account_id - Account ID of the user whose match history you wish to retrieve.
  • [options] - A mapping of options for the query he results:
    • [start_at_match_id] - Which match ID to start searching at (pagination)
    • [matches_requested] - How many matches to retrieve
    • [hero_id] - The ID of the hero the given account ID had played
    • [request_id] - I have no idea.
  • [callback] - optional callback, returns args: err, response.

Requests the given player's match history. The responses are paginated, but you can use the start_at_match_id and matches_requested options to loop through them.

Provide a callback or listen for the playerMatchHistoryData for the GC's response. Requires the GC to be ready (listen for the ready event before calling).

requestProfile(account_id, request_name, [callback])

  • account_id - Account ID (lower 32-bits of a 64-bit Steam ID) of the user whose profile data you wish to view.
  • request_name - Boolean, whether you want the GC to return the accounts current display name.
  • [callback] - optional callback, returns args: err, response.

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting account_id's profile data. Provide a callback or listen for profileData event for Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready (listen for the ready event before calling).

This functionality is currently disabled by Valve

requestProfileCard (account_id, [callback])

  • account_id - Account ID (lower 32-bits of a 64-bit Steam ID) of the user whose profile card you wish to view.
  • [callback] - optional callback, returns args: err, response.

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting account_id's profile card. Provide a callback or listen for profileCardData event for Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready (listen for the ready event before calling).

requestPassportData(account_id, [callback])

  • account_id - Account ID (lower 32-bits of a 64-bit Steam ID) of the user whose passport data you wish to view.
  • [callback] - optional callback, returns args: err, response.

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting account_id's passport data. Provide a callback or listen for passportData event for Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready (listen for the ready event before calling).

requestHallOfFame([week], [callback])

  • [week] - The week of which you wish to know the Hall of Fame members; will return latest week if omitted. Weeks also randomly start at 2233 for some reason, valf please.
  • [callback] - optional callback, returns args: err, response.

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting the Hall of Fame data for week. Provide a callback or listen for the hallOfFameData event for the Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready (listen for the ready event before calling).


requestMatches(criteria, [callback])

  • [criteria] - The options available for searching matches:
    • [hero_id]
    • [game_mode]
    • [date_min]
    • [date_max]
    • [matches_requested]
    • [start_at_match_id]
    • [min_players]
    • [tournament_games_only]
    • [account_id]
    • [league_id]
    • [skill]
    • [team_id] -
  • [callback] - optional callback, returns args: err, response.

Requests matches from the GC matching the given criteria. Provide a callback or listen for the matchesData event for teh Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready (listen for the ready event before calling).

requestMatchDetails(match_id, [callback])

  • match_id - The match's ID
  • [callback] - optional callback, returns args: err, response.

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting match_id's match details. Provide a callback or listen for matchDetailsData event for Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready (listen for the ready event before calling).

Note: There is a server-side rate-limit of 100 requests per 24 hours on this method.


Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting some matchmaking stats. Listen for the matchmakingStatsData event for the Game Coordinator's response (cannot take a callback because of Steam's backend, or RJackson's incompetence; not sure which). Requires the GC to be ready (listen for the ready event before calling).


respondPartyInvite(id, accept)

  • [id] Number, party ID.
  • [accept] Accept or decline the invite.

Responds to an incoming party invite. See the PartyInvite property.


  • [id] The steam ID to invite.

Invites a player to a party. This will create a new party if you aren't in one.


  • [id] The steam ID to kick.

Kicks a player from the party. This will create a new party if you aren't in one.


  • [coach] Boolean, if the bot wants to be coach or not.

Set the bot's status as a coach.


Leaves the current party. See the Party property.


joinPracticeLobby(id, [password], [callback])

  • [id] Practice lobby ID
  • [password] Practice lobby password

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting to join a lobby. Provide a callback or listen for practiceLobbyJoinResponse for the Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready (listen for the ready event before calling).

createPracticeLobby([password], [options], [callback])

  • [password] - Password to restrict access to the lobby (optional).
  • [options] - Options available for the lobby. All are optional, but send at least one.
    • game_name: String, lobby title.
    • server_region: Use the server region enum.
    • game_mode: Use the game mode enum.
    • game_version: Use the game version enum.
    • allow_cheats: Boolean, allow cheats.
    • fill_with_bots: Boolean, fill available slots with bots?
    • allow_spectating: Boolean, allow spectating?
    • pass_key: Password.
    • series_type: Use the series type enum.
    • radiant_series_wins: # of games won so far, e.g. for a Bo3 or Bo5.
    • dire_series_wins: # of games won so far, e.g. for a Bo3 or Bo5.
    • allchat: Enable all chat?
    • league_id: The league this lobby is being created for. Optional
    • dota_tv_delay: TODO.
    • custom_game_mode: TODO.
    • custom_map_name: TODO.
    • custom_difficulty: TODO.
    • custom_game_id: TODO.
  • [callback] - optional callback, returns args: err, response.

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting to create a lobby. Listen for practiceLobbyUpdate response for a snapshot-update of the newly created lobby. Requires the GC to be ready (listen for the ready event before calling).

createTournamentLobby([password], [tournament_game_id], [tournament_id], [options], [callback])

  • [password] - See paramter description in [#createPracticeLobby]
  • [tournament_game_id] - TODO
  • [tournament_id] - TODO
  • [options] - See paramter description in [#createPracticeLobby]
  • [callback] - optional callback, returns args: err, response.


Shuffles the lobby teams.


Flips the teams in a lobby.

configPracticeLobby(lobby_id, options, [callback])

  • lobby_id - Lobby ID
  • options - See paramter description in [#createPracticeLobby]
  • [callback] - optional callback, returns args: err, response.

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting to configure some options of the active lobby. Requires the GC to be ready (listen for the ready event before calling).


Sends a message to the GC requesting the currrent lobby be started (server found and game begins). You will receive updates in the practiceLobbyUpdate response.


  • steam_id The Steam ID of the player you want to invite.

Asks to invite a player to your lobby. This creates a new default lobby when you are not already in one.

practiceLobbyKick(account_id, [callback])

  • account_id The ID of the player you want to kick.

Asks to kick someone from your current practice lobby.


Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting to leave the current lobby. Requires the GC to be ready (listen for the ready event before calling).






requestLeaguesInMonth([month], [year], [callback])

  • [month] - Int for the month (MM) you want to query data for. Defaults to current month. IMPORTANT NOTE: Month is zero-aligned, not one-aligned; so Jan = 00, Feb = 01, etc.
  • [year] - Int for the year (YYYY) you want to query data for . Defaults to current year.
  • [callback] - optional callbackreturns args:err response.

Sends a message to the Game Coordinator requesting data on leagues being played in the given month. Provide a callback or listen for leaguesInMonthData for the Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready (listen for the ready event before calling).


Requests info on all available official leagues from the GC. Listen for leagueData for the Game Coordinator's response. Requires the GC to be ready (listen for the ready event before calling).


requestSourceTVGames([filterOption], [callback])

  • [filterOption] - Object to override the default filters
  • [callback] - callback to be executed, return args: response

Returns a list of current ongoing matches (from live games tab).

Default filterOptions:

    searchKey: '',
    start: 0,           // offset
    numGames: 6,
    leagueid: 0,
    heroid: 0,
    teamGame: false,    // only show team games (team matchmaking)
    customGameId: 0,

Important: The only working parameters are start, leagueid and teamGame. Changing the other parameters will result in no response at all (e.g. numGames > 6)



Emitted when the GC is ready to receive messages. Be careful not to declare anonymous functions as event handlers here, as you'll need to be able to invalidate event handlers on an unready event.


Emitted when the connection status to the GC changes, and renders the library unavailable to interact. You should clear any event handlers set in the ready event here, otherwise you'll have multiple handlers for each message every time a new ready event is sent.

chatMessage (channel, senderName, message, chatObject)

  • channel - Channel name.
  • senderName - Persona name of user who sent message.
  • message - Wot u think?
  • chatObject - The raw chat object to do with as you wish.

Emitted for chat messages received from Dota 2 chat channels

chatJoin (channel_id, joiner_name, joiner_steam_id, otherJoined_object)

  • channel_id
  • joiner_name - Persona name of user who joined.
  • joiner_steam_id - Steam ID of the user who joined.
  • otherJoined_object - The raw CMsgDOTAOtherJoinedChatChannel object for you to do with as you wish.

Emitted when another user joins a chat channel you are in.

chatLeave (channel_id, leaver_steam_id, otherLeft_object)

  • channel_id
  • leaver_steam_id - Steam ID of the user who left.
  • otherLeft_object - The raw CMsgDOTAOtherLeftChatChannel object for you to do with as you wish.

Emitted when another user leaves a chat channel you are in.

chatChannelsData (channels)

  • channels - An array of ChatChannel objects, each with the following properties:
    • channel_name
    • num_members
    • channel_type

The GC's response to a requestChatChannels call.

guildOpenPartyData (guild_id, openParties)

  • guild_id - ID of the guild.
  • openParties - Array containing information about open guild parties. Each object has the following properties:
    • partyId - Unique ID of the party.
    • member_account_ids - Array of account ids.
    • time_created - Something about Back to the Future.
    • description - A user-inputted string. Do not trust.

Emitted for each guild the bot's account is a member of, containing information on open parties for each guild. Also exposes guild_id's, which is handy.

guildData (guild_id, members, guildDataObject)

  • guild_id - ID of the guild.
  • members - A list of members in the guild. Each object has the following properties:
    • account_id - Account ID of the member.
    • time_joined - Timestamp of when this user joined the guild.
    • role - Role of the member withing the guild
      • 1 - Leader
      • 2 - Officer
      • 3 - Member
  • guildDataObject - The raw CMsgDOTAGuildSDO object.

Emitted when information on a particular guild is retrieved.

guildInviteData (guild_id, guildName, inviter, guildInviteDataObject)

  • guild_id - ID of the guild.
  • guildName - Name of the guild.
  • inviter - Account ID of user whom invited you.
  • guildInviteDataObject - The raw guildInviteData object to do with as you wish.

You can respond with cancelInviteToGuild or setGuildAccountRole.

profileData (account_id, profileData)

  • account_id - Account ID whom the data is associated with.
  • profileData - The raw profile data object.

Emitted when GC responds to the requestProfile method.

See the protobuf schema for profileData's object structure.

profileCardData (account_id, profileCardData)

  • account_id - Account ID whom the data is associated with.
  • profileData - The raw profileCard object.

Emitted when GC responds to the requestProfileCard method.

See the protobuf schema for profileData's object structure.

playerMatchHistoryData (request_id, matchHistoryResponse)


passportData (account_id, passportData)

  • account_id - Account ID whom the passport belongs to.
  • passportData - The raw passport data object.

Emitted when GC responds to the requestPassportData method.

See the protobuf schema for passportData's object structure.

hallOfFameData (week, featuredPlayers, featuredFarmer, hallOfFameResponse)

  • week - Week the data is associated with.
  • featuredPlayers - Array of featured players for that week. [{ account_id, heroId, averageScaledMetric, numGames }]
  • featuredFarmer - Featured farmer for that week. { account_id, heroId, goldPerMin, match_id }
  • hallOfFameResponse - Raw response object.

Emitted when the GC responds to the requestHallOfFame method.



matchDetailsData (match_id, matchDetailsData)

  • match_id - Match ID whom the data is associatd with.
  • matchDetailsData - The raw match details data object.

Emitted when GC responds to the requestmatchDetails method.

See the protobuf schema for matchDetailsData's object structure.

matchmakingStatsData (waitTimesByGroup, searchingPlayersByGroup, disabledGroups, matchmakingStatsResponse)

  • waitTimesByGroup - Current average matchmaking waiting times, in seconds, per group.
  • searchingPlayersByGroup - Current players searching for matches per group.
  • disabledGroups - I don't know how the data is formatted here, I've only observed it to be zero.
  • matchmakingStatsResponse - Raw response object.

Emitted when te GC response to the requestMatchmakingStats method. The array order dictates which matchmaking groups the figure belongs to. The groups are discoverable through regions.txt in Dota 2's game files. We maintain an indicative list without guarantees in this README. This list is manually updated only when changes are detected by community members, so it can be out of date. Here are the groups at the time of this sentence being written (with unecessary data trimmed out):

    "USWest":               {"matchgroup": "0"},
    "USEast":               {"matchgroup": "1"},
    "Europe":               {"matchgroup": "2"},
    "Singapore":            {"matchgroup": "3"},
    "Shanghai":             {"matchgroup": "4"},
    "Brazil":               {"matchgroup": "5"},
    "Korea":                {"matchgroup": "6"},
    "Austria":              {"matchgroup": "8"},
    "Stockholm":            {"matchgroup": "7"},
    "Australia":            {"matchgroup": "9"},
    "SouthAfrica":          {"matchgroup": "10"},
    "PerfectWorldTelecom":  {"matchgroup": "11"},
    "PerfectWorldUnicom":   {"matchgroup": "12"}

practiceLobbyUpdate (lobby)

  • lobby - The full lobby object (see CSODOTALobby).

Emitted when the GC sends a lobby snapshot. The GC is incredibly inefficient and will send the entire object even if it's a minor update. You can use this to detect when a lobby has been entered / created successfully as well. Note that the Lobby property will be the old value until after this event completes to allow comparison between the two.

practiceLobbyJoinResponse(result, practiceLobbyJoinResponse)

  • result - The result object from practiceLobbyJoinResponse.
  • practiceLobbyJoinResponse - The raw response object.

Emitted when the GC responds to joinPracticeLobby method.

practiceLobbyCleared ()

Emitted when leaving a lobby (aka, the lobby is cleared). This can happen when kicked, upon leaving a lobby, etc. There are other callbacks to tell when the bot has been kicked.

practiceLobbyResponse (result, practiceLobbyResponse)

  • result - The result object from practiceLobbyJoinResponse.
  • practiceLobbyResponse - The raw response object.

Emitted when an operation changing the state of a lobby was sent to the GC and processed. This event only contains the acknowledgement by the GC. The actual update of the lobby state is communicated via practiceLobbyUpdate events.

friendPracticeLobbyListData ()


inviteCreated (steam_id, group_id, is_online)

  • steam_id - The steam ID of the person the invite was sent to
  • group_id - The group ID of the person the invite was sent to
  • is_online - Whether or not the person the invite was sent to is online

Emitted when the GC has created the invitation. The invitation is only sent when the invitee is online.

partyUpdate (party)

  • party - The full party object (see CSODOTAParty).

Emitted when the GC sends a party snapshot. The GC is incredibly inefficient and will send the entire object even if it's a minor update. You can use this to detect when a party has been entered / created successfully as well. Note that the Party property will be the old value until after this event completes to allow comparison between the two.

partyCleared ()

Emitted when leaving a party (aka, the party is cleared). This can happen when kicked, upon leaving a party, etc. There are other callbacks to tell when the bot has been kicked.

partyInviteUpdate (party)

  • partyInvite - The full party invite object (see CSODOTAPartyInvite).

Emitted when the GC sends a party invite snapshot. The GC is incredibly inefficient and will send the entire object even if it's a minor update. You can use this to detect when an incoming party invite has been sent. Note that the PartyInvite property will be the old value until after this event completes to allow comparison between the two.

partyInviteCleared ()

Emitted when the Party Invite is cleared, for example when accepting/rejecting it or when the party is closed.

liveLeagueGamesUpdate (null, liveLeaguesResponse)

  • null - nothing
  • liveLeaguesResponse - Integer representing number of live league games.

leaguesInMonthData (result, leaguesInMonthData)

  • result - The result object from leaguesInMonthData.
  • leaguesInMonthData - The raw response object.

Emitted when the GC responds to requestLeaguesInMonth method.


  • The month property is used to filter the data to the leagues which have matches scheduled in the given month, however the schedule object contains schedules for a league's entire duration - i.e. before or after month.
  • month is also zero-aligned, so January = 0, Febuary = 1, March = 2, etc.
  • Not every participating team seems to be hooked up to Dota 2's team system, so there will be a few { teamId: 0 } objects for some schedule blocks.

The response object is visualized as follows:

    eresult,            // EResult enum
    month,              // Int representing which month this data represents.
    leagues: [{         // An array of CMsgLeague objects
        leagueId,       // ID of the league associated
        schedule: [{    // An array of CMsgLeagueScheduleBlock objects
            blockId,    // ID represending this block
            startTime,  // Unix timestamp of a scheduled match (or group of matches)
            finals,     // Boolean represending if this match is a final.
            comment,    // Comment about this scheduled block - often the team names & position in bracket
            teams: [{   // An array of CMsgLeagueScheduleBlockTeamInfo objects
                teamId, // ID of the associated team
                name,   // The teams name
                tag,    // The teams tag
                logo    // The teams logo

leagueData ()




  • USWEST: 1
  • USEAST: 2
  • EUROPE: 3
  • KOREA: 4
  • AUSTRIA: 9
  • BRAZIL: 10

Use this to pass valid server region data to createPracticeLobby.


  • DOTA_GAMEMODE_AP: 1 - All Pick
  • DOTA_GAMEMODE_CM: 2 - Captain's Mode
  • DOTA_GAMEMODE_RD: 3 - Random Draft
  • DOTA_GAMEMODE_SD: 4 - Single Draft
  • DOTA_GAMEMODE_AR: 5 - All Random
  • DOTA_GAMEMODE_INTRO: 6 - Unknown
  • DOTA_GAMEMODE_HW: 7 - Diretide
  • DOTA_GAMEMODE_REVERSE_CM: 8 - Reverse Captain's Mode
  • DOTA_GAMEMODE_XMAS: 9 - The Greeviling
  • DOTA_GAMEMODE_MO: 11 - Mid Only
  • DOTA_GAMEMODE_LP: 12 - Least Played
  • DOTA_GAMEMODE_POOL1: 13 - Limited Heroes
  • DOTA_GAMEMODE_FH: 14 - Compendium
  • DOTA_GAMEMODE_CUSTOM: 15 - Unknown, probably ti4 techies reveal.

Use this to pass valid game mode data to createPracticeLobby.


We have a suite of Mocha tests for node-dota2. Coverage isn't at 100% yet, but all of the core logic should be covered. Run npm test to run these test suites, passing in account credentials via environmental variables (e.g. STEAM_USERNAME="bob" STEAM_PASSWORD="notbob" npm test). We also have TravisCI integration that will run the tests on any pull-requests opened up.

Setting up

  • npm install steam; npm install in the repository root (install Steam first to work around a node-steam#222)
  • Copy config.js.example to config.js and edit appropriately
  • Run the test script: node test.js
  • If you receive Error 63 you need to provide a Steam Guard code by setting the Steam Guard code in config.js and launching again.
  • Make sure to use at least version 0.12 of node js