
Libft 42

Primary LanguageC

Libft - 1337 (42 Network)

Libft 42

Libft is a fundamental project at 1337 (42 Network), where students create their own standard C library. This project is designed to help students solidify their understanding of core C functions by implementing them from scratch, while adhering to memory management best practices.


The Libft project serves as a foundation for many other projects at 1337, as students are required to reimplement basic C functions such as those found in <stdlib.h>, <string.h>, and other standard libraries. By building your own library, you gain a deeper understanding of how these functions work behind the scenes.

Learning Path

  1. String Manipulation Functions Start by implementing functions like ft_strlen, ft_strcpy, ft_strncmp, and more. These functions provide a solid foundation for manipulating and analyzing C strings efficiently.

2. Memory Management Functions

Learn how to allocate, reallocate, and free memory dynamically with functions like ft_memset, ft_memcpy, ft_memmove, and ft_calloc. These functions are essential for managing resources effectively.

3. Linked Lists

Create functions for managing linked lists, such as ft_lstnew, ft_lstadd, and ft_lstiter, to work with dynamic data structures. This helps build a strong understanding of how memory and pointers work in C.

4. Character Checks and Conversions

Implement utility functions such as ft_isalpha, ft_isdigit, ft_toupper, and ft_tolower to perform character checks and conversions. These functions are often used in text processing.

5. Additional Custom Functions

Extend the library by adding custom functions that aren't part of the standard library, providing functionality that may be useful in other projects.


Custom C Library: A reimplementation of key functions from the standard C library. String and Memory Utilities: Functions for string manipulation, memory management, and character checks. Linked List Management: Functions to handle linked lists, allowing dynamic data handling. Memory-Efficient: Careful management of resources to prevent memory leaks and ensure optimized performance.


For any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to me at taoussi.aimen@gmail.com or visit my GitHub profile at GitHub.