🙏 to
A blogging web application for all SMITians:)
Demo 🕹️
Try Demo version here
Bulit 🛠️ Using
Working 💡
• Our project, SMIT's Nest
• Most of our work will is established using GraphCMS and GraphQL respectively. GraphQL is a query language using which we can create schemas, models and retrieve data by firing graphql queries. GraphCMS on the other hand, is a Content Management System (CMS) using which the users can post content on the site. All the posts, comments are moderated based upon administrator permission.
Setting up the enviornment (1) Clone this repository
(2) Change the working directory
cd project_graphql_blog-main
(3) Install dependencies
npm install
(4) Run the web application
npm run dev
The application will start at http://localhost:3000/.
Frameworks and dependencies used 🧮
npx create-next-app -e with-tailwindcss ./
npm install graphql graphql-request html-react-parser moment react-multi-carousel sass
This project is still under development Fullstack chatting application with User Authentication using Chat Engine
This is a chatting application built using Reactjs. @ant-design, axios and react-chat-engine were some of the dependencies that were used. User can create multiple chat rooms, get sound notification, send text, images, emojis, add users, change admin and a lot more. The backend has been made using chat engine which provides user and admin privileges
A particular user can be made admin from the chat engine dashboard. This admin can create accounts for other users, who can login with the credentials provided to them and start chatting in a room.
Any user can make a new chat room and add other users directly by their username.
To run the project locally:
npm start
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
Create an account in chat engine, make profiles for users, copy project id, move to Chat-App/src/App.js line number 25 and paste.
Run npm start
and the app opens up in browser.
npm build
To build a production ready application.
The project is deployed here: test. Contact for getting username and password.
That's all. You are all set to start your conversation
If you like my work do consider dropping a
Made with 💙️ in India