
ERC721 token with ERC20 adapter

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ERC721 token with ERC20 adapter

ERC721SmartToken contract implements non-fungible tokens based on ERC721 standard that also supports ERC20 interface. The main idea is to create a token that can be both non-fungible and has transferable value.

Inside ERC721 contract each not fungible token represented as a NFT structure where there is a member element called value .

struct NFT {
        uint256 value;          // NFT value 
        string  metadata;       // ... metadata: IPFS path
        uint256 kind;           // ... type
        uint256 level;          // ... activities level
        uint256 state;          // ... state

This element holds ERC20 token inside ERC721 token.

To work with ERC721 token as normal ERC20 token we need to create a ERC20Adapter that implements standard ERC20 methods, as for example balanceOf method.

function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256)

But in our case due to ERC721 structure for each _owner there can be many non-fungible tokens belong to this particular address. To select particular token for ERC20 compatible operations like transfer token value to another address we need to implement new methods that will accept address and token ID as parameters.

function approveFrom(uint256 _fromId, address _spender, uint256 _toId, uint256 _value) public returns (bool success)

This method calls ERC20Controller method implemented by ERC721SmartToken contract that will use the following mappings to store information abount NFT tokens:

mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) public allowanceIds; // transfer allowance
mapping (address => mapping (address => uint256)) public allowanceAmt; // transfer allowance

Now we can use ERC20 standard methods transfer and transferFrom to transfer values between two NFT tokens.

ERC20Controller implements defaultId methods that provides a default NFT id for the _owner address.

function defaultId(address _owner) internal returns (uint256 id);

So, we can use ERC20 standard method approve to approve transfer between two NFT default tokens for msg.sender and _spender.

See Help for events description.


TokenContainer smart contract implements hierarchical structure for token pools. Now one NFT token can be a container for other NFT tokens in the same smart contract. Each token can belong only one container, token-container relationship supported by the following mapping:

mapping (uint256 => uint256) public tokenIndexToPoolToken;

The public variable maxLevel defines the maximum number of levelels in hierarchical structure where the root must be al level 0 and a token with level maxLevel-1 will be terminal node in the structure.

For each token we can find the path from this token to the root token using the following method:

function getPath(uint256 _nodeId) external view returns(uint256[] path);

The path could contain number of token IDs starting from the first pool token that _nodeId belongs to. Plase note that NFT ID 0 is reserved and equal to null value. So, only not zeto IDs are counted as pool token IDs.

For each pool token we can check the pool size and recieve pool members array:

function _getPoolSize(uint256 _nodeId) view internal returns(uint256 size);
function _getPool(uint256 _nodeId) view internal returns(uint256[] pool);

A NFT token can be added to pool token or can be removed from pool. In removal we will check if removing token nodeId does not have any pool members _getPoolSize(_nodeId) == 0 and if not we will rise an exception.

function addToken(uint256 _nodeId, uint256 _parentId) public;
function removeToken(uint256 _nodeId) public;

The TokenContainer constructur calls ERC721SmartToken constructur with token name and token symbol.


TokenPool is TokenContainer with 4 level pool structure:

Level     Container / Member
  0       SuperPool
  1           |_____.Pool
  2                   |_____.SubPool
  3                             |_____.Token

The pool schema described by the following structure:

struct Pool {
        uint8   level;      // Pool level: 0,1,2,3
        uint256 maxNumber;  // Maximum number of pools on this lavel
        uint256 maxMember;  // Maximum number of members for the pool
        uint256 number;     // Pool number for this level
        uint256 last;       // NFT ID for last availible pool (with member capacity)
        uint256 share;      // Pool share from token investment

Use insertPool method to insert token in the pool structure:

function insertPool(uint256 _id) public returns(bool);

This function calls _insertPool to insert the token and if needed also insert new pool in the structure:

function _insertPool(uint256 _id, uint8 _level) internal returns (bool);

After the token is inserted in the pool structure the function insertPool calls the value distribution function:

function _distributeValue(uint256 _id) internal returns (bool);

than distrubutes the token value between SuperPool, Pool and SubPool based on Pool.share. The rest of the token value after the pool distribution will go to commission. Use the following methods to get collected commission and current pool values:

function getComission() public view returns(uint256 commission);
function getDistribution() public view returns(uint256[4] distribution)

The last function returns the following values:

distribution[0];         // Super Pool Value
distribution[1];         // Pool Value
distribution[2];         // SubPool Value
distribution[3];         // Tokens Value (must be 0)

To pay value the smart contract uses the following function:

function _payValue(uint256 _id, uint256 _value) internal returns(uint256[4] distribution);

__payValue returns distribution for the payment based on the same structure as getDistribution but in this case only one array element can have non zero value equal to _value. For example, if Pool has made a payment then distribution[1] == _value and the rest of distribution[0,2,3] == 0. If all elements have zero value then payment is not successful and all pool does not have enough value to pay requested amount. In this case _payValue emits SecondTierCall event. If the payment went through then event PaymentValue was emited:

 event PaymentValue(uint256 id, uint256 value, uint8 level);

and it will return the pool level that has made the payment, in our example it will be level == 1.


TokenCrowdsurance is ERC721SmartToken for crowdsurance products. Crowdsurance, meaning people unite in communities to provide a guarantee of compensation for unexpected loss. Using ERC721SmartToken crowdsurance product can be 'tokenized' and can be availible as ERC20 token. pic The crowdsurance business process starting from apply function that returns application ID:

 function apply() public returns(uint256 addId);

There is application queue supported by the smart contract and next application to process can be obtained by the following function:

function getApplication() view public returns (address member, uint256 appId);

After that the scoring for the new member can be complited by the following call:

function scoring(address _member, uint256 _score, uint256 _amount) ownerOnly public;

The scoring can be called only by contract owner. After recieve score a new member can join the Crowdsurance smart contract using join function.

function join() public payable returns(uint256 cowdsuranceId);

This function will return the Crowdsurance NFT token ID. The TokenCrowdsurance is ERC721 token and can be transfered to another holder using standard ERC721 methods. To activate crowdsurance coverage the token holder must call activate function:

function activate(uint256 _id) public;

after then the coverage is activated and token transfer is prohibited. In case of risk realisation the token holder can submeet claim to recieve the payment:

function claim(uint256 _id, uint256 _claim) public returns(bool);

In this function the token owner provides token id _id and _claim - the claim amount. The token status will be changed to Claim and the voting process will be initiated. To conduct the voting process a juries must be selected randomly from RST token holders. Each jury member will be submeeted by contract owner:

function addVoter(address _jury, uint256 _id) ownerOnly public;

and for each _jury will be specified the token _id for voting. Selected RST token holders could vote using the following method:

function vote(uint256 _id, bool _positive) public;

providing the TokenCrowdsurance id and voting result _positive. If _positive is true then the vote will be counted in favore of claim payment and if false then the vote will be counted as negative one. The current voting status can be recieved from the following function call:

function votingStatus(uint256 _id) public view returns (bool votingEnded, uint8 positive, uint8 negative);

Need to say that the voting process have start and end time and votes can be counted only within this specific period. When the voting process is finished the token owner can recieve the payment calling the following method:

 function payment(uint256 _id) public;

If the claim was approved by the juries then the payment amount will be transferred from TokenCrowdsurance smart contract account to the token holder account. If nobody has voted or number of votes less then the crowdsurance product minJuriesNumber parameter or positive is equal to negative then the token owner will receive join amount. There are number of parameters for crowdsurance product that can be utilized to adjust the product behaviour.

struct Parameters {
       uint256     joinAmount;         // default join amount
       uint        coverageDuration;   // coverage duration
       uint256     maxClaimAmount;     // max claim amount
       uint8       maxClaimNumber;     // max claim number for the contract
       uint8       paymentRatio;       // claim to payment patio
       uint256     maxPaymentAmount;   // max payment amount for the contract
       uint8       minJuriesNumber;    // min juries number to count voting 
       uint        votingDuration;     // juries voting duration
       uint8       juriesNumber;       // number of juries


The luggage crowdsurance protection product is TokenCrowdsurance NFT721SmartToken with additional features:

  1. New member could join crowdsurance smart contract make a transfer in RST tokens
  2. Number of activated luggage protection token for each member is limited by smart contract parameter maxHold
  3. Join can be allowed only with ETH if smart contract parameter ETHOnly is set to true
  4. Member can receive a payback up to paybackRatio from join amount after the end of coverage

If ETHOnly is false a new member can join the luggage crowdsurance smart contract using RST tokens. If this case the member should allow a transfer of joinAmountRST specified in the LuggageCrowdsurance smart contract to the contract owner using RST ERC20 standart method:

function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) returns (bool success)

Then the new member can call LuggageCrowdsurance join method with value == 0 and in this case if ETHOnly == false the join will transfer joinAmountRST to the smart contract owner.

The LuggageCrowdsurance token has the following parameters:

Product parameter Value
ERC721 Name Luggage Crowdsurance NFT
ERC721 Symbol LCS
Default join amount 0.019 ETH
Default join RST amount 0.5 RST
Protection period 180 days
Default claim payment amount 4 ETH
Maximum number of claims 1
Maximun number of activated 5
RST / ETH Rate 0.12 ETH
Payback ratio 80%
Payback period within 48 hours
Commission 20%

After the crowdsurance coverage period is ended the token owner can recieve payback up to Payback ratio from the join amount if he/she did not recieved a payment during the crowdsurance coverage period. To get payback the owner must call the following function:

 function getPayback(uint256 _id) public;

The payback amout must be seted by the contract owner before the getPayback call using:

function setPayback(uint256 _id, uint256 _amount) ownerOnly public returns (bool);