
Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

This project contains Dockerfile that creates a base image to run Spring Boot applications.

This is not an official Google product.

How to use this image

Groovy Applications

Create a Dockerfile in your project directory:

FROM saturnism/spring-boot:1.2.3-jdk-8-groovy-2.4.3

You can then build and run the image:

docker build -t myapp
docker run -ti myapp

You'll notice that everytime the container starts, it will resolve all the dependencies. To avoid this, you can also pre-compile your Groovy application using the onbuild image.

In the Dockerfile, use:

FROM saturnism/spring-boot:1.2.3jdk-8-groovy-2.4.3-onbuild

You can then build and run the image just like the previous method:

docker build -t myapp
docker run -ti myapp


You can find examples under the Examples directory.

Full Demo with Kubernetes


Ray used this repository for many of his demos during his talks around the world in conferences. You can find a list of Ray's videos on how to run the demos in his YouTube playlist.

But specifically, checkout the one from Jfokus.

Creating a microservice

  1. Create a new directory, and change into it: mkdir hello-live && cd hello-live

  2. Create Helloworld.groovy

    class Helloworld {
      def mul(@PathVariable int x, @PathVariable int y) {
        [ x: x, y: y, result: x * y ]
  3. Run it: spring run .

  4. Build it: spring jar ~/app.jar .

  5. Run the jar: java -jar ~/app.jar

Containerize the service

  1. Create a Dockerfile
  2. Build the container docker build -t helloworld .
  3. Run it: docker run -ti --rm -p 8080:8080 helloworld

Deploying to Kubernetes on Google Container Engine

This assumes that you have a Google Cloud Platform account, a Container Engine managed Kubernetes cluster, and the associated Project ID.

  1. Set the PROJECT_ID: export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value core/project)
  2. Tag it: docker tag helloworld gcr.io/${PROJECT_ID}/helloworld
  3. Push it to Google Container Registry, a private repository: gcloud docker -- push gcr.io/${PROJECT_ID}/helloworld
  4. Deploy it in Kubernetes: kubectl run helloworld --image=gcr.io/${RPOJECT_ID}/helloworld -l app=hellworld,visualize=true (the label "visualize" is for demo visualization purposes. You can use whatever labels you like).
  5. Scale it: kubectl scale rc helloworld --replicas=3
  6. Expose it as an external service: kubectl expose rc helloworld --port=8080 --target-port=8080 --type=LoadBalancer

Rolling Update

  1. Make changes to Helloworld.groovy
  2. Build the container as v2: docker build -t helloworld:v2 .
  3. Tag it: docker tag helloworld:v2 gcr.io/${PROJECT_ID}/helloworld:v2
  4. Push it: gcloud docker -- push gcr.io/${PROJECT_ID}/helloworld:v2
  5. Rolling update: kubectl rolling-update frontend --image=gcr.io/${PROJECT_ID}/helloworld:v2 --update-periods=5s

Running the examples in the Google Container Engine

  1. Build the docker images in the examples directory for the projects helloworld-service, guestbook-service and helloworld-ui
  2. Get the project id from above: echo ${PROJECT_ID}
  3. In the examples/kubernetes-1.6 directory run the following commands to deploy the examples to Google Container Engine.
  4. Modify the helloworldservice-deployment-v1.yaml to point to the docker image you pushed above. In the yaml file modify image to be image: gcr.io/${PROJECT_ID}/helloworld (replacing ${PROJECT_ID} with the actual project id).
  5. Deploy the helloworld service: kubectl apply -f helloworldservice-deployment-v1.yaml -f helloworldservice-service.yaml
  6. Get the external IP of helloworld-service: kubectl get services
  7. Browse to http://EXTERNAL_IP:8080/hello/world
  8. Deploy redis: kubectl apply -f redis-deployment.yaml -f redis-service.yaml
  9. Deploy mysql: kubectl apply -f mysql-pvc.yaml -f mysql-deployment.yaml -f mysql-service.yaml
  10. Repeat the same thing to deploy the guestbook service by modifying and applying guestbookservice-deployment.yaml and guestbookservice-service.yaml files.
  11. The helloworld ui calls the guestbook service on startup, so wait until the guest book service has a status of Running by calling: kubectl get pods and looking for the pod guestbook-service-*
  12. Repeat the same thing to deploy the helloworld ui by modifying and applying helloworldui-deployment-v1.yaml and helloworldui-service.yaml files.
  13. Get the external IP of helloworld ui by running kubectl get services and browse to the EXTERNAL IP
  14. View the status of the services by getting the name of the pod: kubectl get pods and then browsing the logs of the pod: kubectl logs -f helloworld-ui-3415022828-1h37t