
Go implementation of an ethstats collection server.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Go implementation of an ethstats collection server.


  • /api is a WebSocket endpoint for collecting ethstats.
  • / returns a JSON response with the current connected nodes. Details can be fetched by specifying the node ID with the node param.


$ make run
2018/05/24 16:34:18 listening on :8080
$ geth --ethstats "somenodeid:somesecret@localhost:8080"
$ curl "http://localhost:8080/"
$ curl "http://localhost:8080/?node=somenodeid"


Challenges with the netstats/ethstats protocol

  • Undocumented. Must be reverse engineered from existing implementations (only 2 at present, linked in appendix).
  • No reusable libraries/schemas/SDKs.
  • Inconsistent implementations. (Example: Node version sends clientTime timestamps in a different format than the Geth built-in implementation.)
  • Unused components of protocol. (Example: Node and Geth implementations ignore the clientTime field from the response, which is probably for the best since they're incompatible.)
  • Inconsistent containers. Some responses have an extra redundant object container, others do not. (Example: hello, node-ping, latency are contained immediately in the payload, while block is contained under another {"block": {payload}} layer, and both pending and stats are contained under {"stats": {payload}})
  • Lacking node authentication (only has authorization). Would be nice if the auth handshake included a signed message from the enodeID.
  • Non-standard framework-specific websocket payload format ({"emit": ["topic", {payload}}). Non-homogeneous array types are unnecessarily frustrating to work with.
  • No ability for the server to throttle the rate from the clients.
  • Lacking metrics about peers (only peer count).
  • Lacking metrics about the server/runtime.

Ethstats v2 Protocol Wishlist

  • Clearly defined request/response schemas which are easy to use across programming languages. Perhaps GRPC or plain Protobufs? The goal should be to get native support from every major Ethereum client.
  • Connections identified and authenticated by EnodeID (challenge signed by Enode private key?).
  • Support for sharing the full peer list. This is useful for validating bi-direcitonal peer serving claims (such as for vipnode).
  • Support for sharing node runtime metrics. This is useful for maintainers of large fleets of nodes, and debugging platform-specific performance quirks.
  • Designed to be easily integrated with mainstream timeseries tooling like Prometheus/InfluxDB.
  • Support for relaying signed ethstats reports.

