
Security Tool for Reconnaissance and Information Gathering on a website. (python 3.x)

Primary LanguagePython


alt tag

Security Tool for Reconnaissance and Information Gathering on a website. (python 3.x)

News v1.9.x

Fixed percentage & line count bug during scan
Display errors number in live during scan 
Output file format function. Available formats: json, csv, txt
Reduction of false positives number
Header of Hawkscan when your typing "head hawkscan.py"
Multiple website scanning
New banner
Add vim backup test
Add coffee page

(for more details go on CHANGELOG.md)


       git clone https://github.com/c0dejump/HawkScan.git && sudo python3 HawkScan/setup.py install

       pip(3) install -r requirements.txt 
       sudo python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Special features

  • Test backup/old file on all the files found (index.php.bak, index.php~ ...)
  • Check header information
  • Check DNS information
  • Check email in the website and in same time if emails leaked (report)
  • CMS detection + version and vulns
  • Backup system (if the script stopped, it take again in same place)
  • WAF detection and Response error to WAF + Testing bypass it
  • Check Github
  • Option --exclude to exclude page, code error, bytes
  • Option rate-limit if app is unstable (--timesleep)
  • Check in waybackmachine
  • Check if DataBase firebaseio existe and accessible
  • Search S3 buckets in source code page
  • Testing if it's possible scanning with "localhost" host
  • Try differents bypass for 403 code error
  • JS parsing and analysis (option --js)
  • Check Google Dork
  • Check Host IP
  • Auto resize relative to window
  • Check backup domain name (ex: www.domain.com/domain.zip)
  • Check socketio connection
  • Notify when scan completed (Only work on Linux)
  • Multiple output format. Available formats: json, csv, txt
  • Multiple website scanning


P1 is the most important

[WIP] Multiple exclude like: --exclude 403,1337b [P1] [In progress] (see Exemples)

  • Better thread management [P1]
  • Push results into DB [P2]
  • If re-scan a website with an existing folder, just doing a diff btw the scan to the folder [P2]
  • Pre-run to check the waf sensitive (by proxy with 40 threads for exemple) [P2]
  • cse google search (buckets...) [P2]
  • Prefix filename (old_, copy of...) [P2]
  • Check HTTP headers/ssl security [P3]
  • Anonymous routing through some proxy (http/s proxy list) [P3]
  • Check source code and verify leak or sensitive data in the Github // Other tool ? [P3]
  • Analyse html code webpage [P3] => really necessary?
  • Scan API endpoints/informations leaks [ASAP]


    usage: hawkscan.py [-h] [-u URL] [-f FILE_URL] [-w WORDLIST] [-s SUBDOMAINS] [-t THREAD] [-a USER_AGENT] [--redirect] [-r] [-p PREFIX] [-o OUTPUT] [--cookie COOKIE_] [--exclude EXCLUDE] [--timesleep TS] [--auto] [--js] [--auth AUTH] [-ffs] [--notify] [-o OUTPUT] [-of OUTPUT_TYPE]   
> General:
    -u URL                URL to scan [required]
    -f FILE_URL           file with multiple URLs to scan
    -t THREAD             Number of threads to use for URL Fuzzing. Default: 30
    --exclude EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...] Exclude page, response code, response size. (Exemples: --exclude 500,337b)   
    --auto                Automatic threads depending response to website. Max: 30
    --update              For automatic update

> Wordlist Settings:
    -w WORDLIST           Wordlist used for Fuzzing the desired webite. Default: dichawk.txt     
    -b                    Adding prefix/suffix backup extensions during the scan. (Exemples: exemple.com/~ex/, exemple.com/ex.php.bak...) beware, take more longer
    -p PREFIX             Add prefix in wordlist to scan

> Request Settings:             
    -H HEADER_            Modify header. (Exemple: -H "cookie: test")    
    -a USER_AGENT         Choice user-agent. Default: Random    
    --redirect            For scan with redirect response (301/302)      
    --auth AUTH           HTTP authentification. (Exemples: --auth admin:admin)               
    --timesleep TS        To define a timesleep/rate-limit if app is unstable during scan.

> Tips:            
    -r                    Recursive dir/files      
    -s SUBDOMAINS         Subdomain tester         
    --js                  For try to found keys or token in the javascript page  
    --ffs                 Force the first step of scan during the first running (waf, vhosts, wayback etc...)              
    --notify              For receveid notify when the scan finished (only work on linux)

> Export Settings:                    
    -o OUTPUT             Output to site_scan.txt (default in website directory)     
    -of OUTPUT_TYPE       Output file format. Available formats: json, csv, txt           


     python hawkscan.py -u https://www.exemple.com/

    //With specific dico
     python hawkscan.py -u https://www.exemple.com/ -w dico_extra.txt

    //with 30 threads
     python hawkscan.py -u https://www.exemple.com/ -t 30

    //With backup files scan
     python hawkscan.py -u https://www.exemple.com/ -b

    //With an exclude page
     python hawkscan.py -u https://www.exemple.com/ --exclude https://www.exemple.com/profile.php?id=1

    //With an exclude response code
     python hawkscan.py -u https://www.exemple.com/ --exclude 403

    //With an exclude bytes number
     python hawkscan.py -u https://www.exemple.com/ --exclude 1337b 

    //With two excludes
     python hawkscan.py -u https://www.exemple.com/ --exclude 1337b,403


Layno (https://github.com/Clayno/) [Technical helper]
Sanguinarius (https://twitter.com/sanguinarius_Bt) [Technical helper]
Jamb0n69 (https://twitter.com/jamb0n69) [Technical helper]
Cyber_Ph4ntoM (https://twitter.com/__PH4NTOM__) [Beta tester & Logo Graphist]



Or if you want buy me a coffee :)


Tools used

This script use "WafW00f" to detect the WAF in the first step (https://github.com/EnableSecurity/wafw00f)

This script use "Sublist3r" to scan subdomains (https://github.com/aboul3la/Sublist3r)

This script use "waybacktool" to check in waybackmachine (https://github.com/Rhynorater/waybacktool)