RESIN-11: Schema-guided Event Prediction for 11 Newsworthy Scenarios

Schema Library

The schema library is in schemas/scenario-schemas. For each schema, we also provide visualizations and explanations in schemas/hrf.

Instructions to Run the System

  1. Run git clone

  2. Run cd RESIN-11

  3. Setup ${KAIROS_LIB} dir:

  4. Set up device number for each GPU-based component, e.g.,

  5. Start APIs using: docker-compose up

  6. Send the following POST message to the main API to start processing:

    curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6", "runId": "my_run_id", "sender": "string", "time": "2020-11-25T03:34:48.008Z", "content": {"data": "Example source document content here."}, "contentUri": "s3://kairos-experiment-data/performera/"}'
    • Output will be in this dir: ${KAIROS_LIB}/resin/resin/persist/${my_run_id}
  7. Send the following GET message to check the status:

    curl -X GET

Source code

Please view source code of each docker component in the docker-compose file.