
a module that changes the hypesquad house of the mentioned account .

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hypesquad Changer

How does it works ?

First, you have to download and configure nodejs. Once done, download dependencies using npm i --save. Then, at the repository's root, create a new file called .env in which you can write the following line :


This file will store your Discord account's token in order let to nobody else than you know it's value. Finally, you can change the house in the index.js file.

Example :

const { change_house } = require("./src/hypesquad.js"),
      dotenv = require("dotenv"),
      house = "Brillance";

// Retrieve variables from the .env file.
// If you don't have one, it's a good practice
// to keep you're Discord account's token secret.

change_house(process.env.TOKEN, house)
    .then(function(result) {
        if (result == 1)
            console.log(`The ${house} house has been integrated.`);
            console.log("Invalid paramters may have been provided.");
    .catch(function(error) {
        console.log(`An error occured :\n${error}`);

Supported hypesquads :
