
Encrypted chat system using python and asymmetric/symmetric encryption. PyNaCl library

Primary LanguagePython

Python chat system

Python chat system using asymmetric and symmetric encryption. Encryption library used: PyNaCl

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Have Python 3 installed. Have a text editor(Atom) or an IDE(PyCharm) installed.



No need to install the project. Reffer to deployment on how to run it.


Refer to your IDE on how to run from IDE.

To run from terminal follow the steps bellow: In order to run the project you will have to have at least 2 (preferably 3) command line terminals open. In first one run:

python3 server.py

This will run the server and it will wait for connections.

To run one of the clients type:

python3 client.py

You will be prompted with a host input. Simply input nothing and press enter. When prompted with port input type: '33001' and press enter. You are now connected to the server and ready to start chatting.

Built With


Version 1.0.0


  • Filip Malek - Initial work - REX500


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


  • Hat tip to Lorena Ronquillo Moreno