PyTorch implementation of the InfoNCE loss for self-supervised learning.
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Question about input data
#18 opened by irowberryFS - 0
[Issue] InfoCE rather than InfoNCE
#16 opened by k920049 - 2
How to import info-nce-pytorch
#14 opened by Skywalker-Harrison - 10
- 4
multiple positive sampels per query
#7 opened by YiJun-Yang - 2
Contribute to PyTorch?
#10 opened by adamjstewart - 7
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Why do you use cross entropy ?
#9 opened by shamanez - 3
- 1
Do you have infoNCE loss function cpde
#5 opened by jiangxinke - 1
calculate similarity for 3-dim input
#4 opened by dangvansam - 1
about loss parameter
#6 opened by hrdxwandg - 2
- 7
i have one question for the part of code
#2 opened by mmmmmmrluo - 1
reduction mode
#1 opened by XA-kirino