
Simple flask API to generate code instantly for you own queries using AI.

Primary LanguageCSS

Automatic code generator API

This is a simple ML based API with Flask web framework that uses openAI model Codex: code-cushman-001 - to generate code for your queries through an autoregressive language model that uses deep learning to produce text.


  1. If you don’t have Python installed, install it from here

  2. Clone this repository

  3. Navigate into the project directory

    $ cd openai-quickstart-python
  4. Create a new virtual environment

    $ python -m venv venv
    $ . venv/bin/activate
  5. Install the requirements

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  6. Make a copy of the example environment variables file

    $ cp .env.example .env
  7. Add your API key to the newly created .env file

  8. Run the app

    $ flask run

You should now be able to access the app at http://localhost:5000! Enjoy your coding tutor for now on :)

And in case you have any doubt you can contact me via email anytime; happy coding!