
Ansible role to install or update StumpWM from sources

Ansible Role for StumpWM Installation


Do not rely on the code blindly, it as not been tested yet.


This Ansible role allows to install or update the StumpWM application.

This role expects:

  • All StumpWM dependencies to be present on the system.
  • The builder_user and builder_group to be setup correctly on the target.
  • The target to have an access to the repositories containing the sources of StumpWm and its contributions repository.


Add this repository as a role directory inside an existing ansible project.


The following variables can be overloaded in your playbook:
  • repository, the repository of StumpWM. [Default: https://github.com/stumpwm/stumpwm.git]
  • repository_contrib, the repository of StumpWM contribs. [Default: https://github.com/stumpwm/stumpwm-contrib.git]
  • working_dir, the working directory where to clone the repository. [Default: /usr/local/src/stumpwm ]
  • working_dir_contrib, the working directory where to clone the repository of contribs. [Default: /usr/local/src/stumpwm-contrib ]
  • builder_user: The user to impersonate to build the application. [Default: builder ].
  • builder_group: The primary group of the user to impersonate to build the application. [Default: builder ].

The role is to be executed as the root user on the target hosts.

Example playbook

- host: all
  connection: local
  gather_facts: False
    - name: Deploy StumpWM
        name: stumpwm
        repository: https://github.com/montaropdf/my-stumpwm-fork.git
        repository_contrib: https://github.com/montaropdf/my-stumpwm-contrib-fork.git
        working_dir: /var/lib/src/git_repos/stump