- This container uses linux app provided by NordVPN
- It is running inside a Ubuntu container that has the S6 Overlay installed.
- I have written an init-script that runs when the container starts up that will attempt to log into the service, then set up the parameters passed using the environment variables, and finally connect to a server.
- I am using this on a Raspberry Pi running Raspian. I have compiled the :arm tag on that device.
- Uploading to github lets DockerHub automatically build it for X86, but I am not testing that version.
- As such, If it does not work I would recommend downloading the github repository and building it yourself.
- The one item that most likely has to be changed within the dockerfile is: ARG HostArchitecture="armhf"
- Change that to whichever architecture you need, specified here: https://github.com/just-containers/s6-overlay#releases
To access the ports of any containers that run behind the vpn, you will likely need a reverse-proxy setup. This requires any ports used by connected containers to be exposed by the NordVPN container. Then, you will have to run a reverse-proxy to provide access to those. (I have also written an easily usable nginx_proxy container you can view here: rfbomb/easyproxy )
I would recommend using a Docker-Compose file (or Portainer) to run this container, the nginx container, and anything behind it. See below for an example docker-compose setup that also uses the reverse-proxy.
- You can attach to the container like any other. Once you attach, you will have all the commands that NordVPN app provides at your disposal.
- This includes the following base ones (as well as any other they provide - See their documentation for full details)
nordvpn help
- get list of details about the appnordvpn c [option]
- Connect to a server. If already connected to a server, change to a different server.- [option] should be a server group to connect to. If undefined, nordvpn chooses for you.
nordvpn d
- Disconnect from the servernordvpn settings
- View all settings for this container- `nordvpn set [options] - Modify a setting (see NordVPN website for details)
- User for NordVPN account.PASS
- Password for NordVPN account, surrounding the password in single quotes will prevent issues with special characters such as$
- NordVPN normally blocks all traffic that isnt through the VPN. Whitelist your host's domain to allow local traffic.DockerSubnet
- Whitelist the docker subnet to allow container-container communication. Required for any reverse proxies.AUTOCONNECT
- ON/OFF. Since there is an auto-login script that runs on container start, this is sort of unnecessary to specify. Note: This may reconnect if the connection drops. I haven't tested that much.KILLSWITCH
- ON/OFF. Setting this to 'ON' kills this internet connection if the vpn becomes disconnected for any reason. Default is ON.CYBERSEC
- Turn on the CyberSecurity features nordvpn provides on their servers. See NordVPN website for details.OBFUSCATE
- Turn server obfuscate on or off. See NordVPN website for details.SERVER
- Optional -- Decide which server / server group you want to connect to. For NordVPN to decide, just don't specify the argument. ( leave as '' ) (See NordVPN website for details)Protocol
- Optional -- Set to TCP / UDP depending on preference. Default is UDP.Tech
- Optional - OpenVPN / NordLynx -- Set the connection type for NordVPN. Default is OpenVPNWebTest
- Optional -- Container checks for internet connection on startup by pinging specified address. Shuts down container if ping fails. Default address is 'nordvpn.com'.RetryTime
- optional -- Set delay time between failed login attempts (time in seconds)DebugLogin
- Optional -- Set to 'False' by default. If set 'true' then it will show the login information in the log on the event of an incorrect username/password.DebugNordVPN
- Optional -- Set to 'False' by default. If set 'true' then it will enable a verbose log during the LoginScript.
- NordVPN Container
docker run -ti --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --device /dev/net/tun --name vpn \
-e USER='user@email.com' \
-e PASS='pas$word' \
-e HostSubnet= \
-d rfbomb/nordvpn
- Secondary Service
docker run -ti --rm --net=container:vpn -d image/yourchoice
version: '2'
#-------------- VPN ---------------------------
image: rfbomb/nordvpn
container_name: NordVPN
- /dev/net/tun
- Bridge
#Expose all ports required by other services behind the VPN so reverse proxy can access them
- 4040
- USER='user@email.com'
- PASS='pas$word'
- HostSubnet=
- DockerSubnet=
- AUTOCONNECT=on # on / off
- KILLSWITCH=on # on / off
- CYBERSEC=off # on / off
- OBFUSCATE=off # on / off
- SERVER=P2P # See NordVPN website for details
- Protocol=UDP #optional -- Set to TCP / UDP depending on preference. Default is UDP.
- Tech=OpenVPN #optional - OpenVPN / NordLynx -- Set the connection type for NordVPN. Default is OpenVPN
- WebTest= #optional -- server to ping to check for internet access
- RetryTime=5 #optional -- Set delay time between failed login attempts (time in seconds)
- DebugLogin=false #optional -- Show username and password in log on login failure
- DebugNordVPN=false #optional -- Show output of nordvpn commands during container startup
#restart: unless-stopped
#-------------- Services Behind VPN ---------------------------
image: service1
network_mode: service:vpn
#-------------- Reverse Proxy ---------------------------
image: rfbomb/easyproxy
container_name: ReverseProxy
stdin_open: true
tty: true
- Bridge
#Map all ports that are exposed in the VPN service
- "80:80"
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
- /disks/USB/DockerConfigs/nginx_proxy:/etc/nginx/
#restart: unless-stopped
#-------------- Network Definition (if desired) ---------------------------
driver: bridge
driver: default
- subnet:
- Updated to latest version of NordVPN (again)
- Updated method of installing NordVPN inside DockerFile to take less steps after a pretty informative conversation via Reddit.
- Heavily changed the LoginScript.sh
- Will now notify if an update to the app is available.
- Assuming that the container's apt-get is broken (from my testing it is) then this will require a rebuild of the app.
- Now properly adjusted for single and double quotes in the USER/PASS environment variables.
- Will now attempt to log into the service every 5 seconds if the server could not be reached ("Its not you its us" error)
- Added a bugfix to actually be able to restart the container, now that I finally found the problem. (It was the socket not releasing inside the container)
- the NordVPNd service is now started inside the LoginScript. This is so the loginscript can be run with S6 as part of initialization, instead of as a CMD.
- This also allows the startup process error checking to work properly, instead of possibly fighting S6 overlay.
- Will now notify if an update to the app is available.
- Added 'PING' to the container to verify internet access prior to attempting to start everything up.
- Added 'SLURM' to the container - use 'slurm -i eth0' to see usage statistics when attached
- Added a proper FinishScript for when the container exits.
- These changes allow for restarting the container successfully.
- The FinishScript will:
- log out of NordVPN
- Kill NordVPN // NordVPNd processes
- Remove the sockets in use by the services within the container
- Updated repo to latest version of NordVPN.
- Added a PingTest to check for internet Connection on startup
- Modified Login Script to work better / correctly.
- Added WebTest and DebugLogin ENV variables
- Slight changes to dockerfile
- Intial Release