This main purpose of this project is to develop a website using only front-end module. The website has been designed in responsive manner using “modern designing standard” of web designing. Lots of research have been done to extract the modern designing ideology from Front-End Web Development. The website has been named ‘Eastern University’ as a means to replace the current existing website, even though this project is just a demo.
#Project Demo:
Note: JavaScript doesn't work in GitHub Pages For better view, watch this video: https://bit.ly/2NlLhh1
#Materials and plugins used:
• HTML • CSS • Bootstrap 4 Framework • Javascript • Font Awesome Icons • Ekko Lightbox Plugin • Slick Carousel • VSCode as IDE • Udemy - Bootstrap 4 From Scratch With 5 Projects as Guidelines
#Webpage structure and features:
I. Homepage – index.html
- Navigation bar
- Login Modal form
- Carousel for landing slides
- Video Modal in Carousel
- Search Form
- Quick Navigation for jumps to a definite point
- Font Awesome Icon links
- Slick Carousel for Notice Board
- Accordion slides for collapsible text content
- Cards for event showcase
- Popover for reading more text when mouse hovered
- Image using Lightbox plugin
- Footer
II. Permanent Campus event page – pcampus.html
- Navigation Bar
- Header Image in Parallax Standard
- Text Container
- Footer
III. Degrees offered – degree.html
- Navigation Bar
- Header Image in Parallax Standard
- Accordion for: i. Requirements ii. Undergraduate iii. Graduate
- Footer
IV. Tuition Fees – tuition.html
- Navigation Bar
- Heading Jumbotron
- Table for Undergraduate Program
- Table for Graduate Program
- Images are from https://www.pexels.com/
- Eastern University official website: http://www.easternuni.edu.bd/
- Slick Carousel: https://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/
- Ekko Lightbox: https://ashleydw.github.io/lightbox/
- Udemy Tutorial: https://www.udemy.com/bootstrap-4-from-scratch-with-5-projects/
- VSCode: https://code.visualstudio.com/
- Bootstrap 4: https://getbootstrap.com/