
This repo is a SD-Webui extension for Composable T2I-Adapter (CoAdapter).

🔧 Install

  • Install the stable diffusion webui.
  • Open "Extensions" tab.
  • Open "Install from URL" tab in the tab.
  • Enter URL of this repo to "URL for extension's git repository".
  • Press "Install" button.
  • Reload/Restart Web UI.

Once installed, the UI looks like:

💻 Usage

Remember to check ``Enable'' box to activate the function of CoAdapter.

  1. Using functions in "txt2img" or "img2img" tab.
  2. Import the conditions you need into the window of Coadapter.
  3. Choosing a sampler in the "sampling method". Empirically, DDIM is all-right.
  4. For the output resolution, you can choose "Consistent with the condition map" or "Controlled by resize sliders".

⏬ Download Models


Pre-trained models are downloaded automatically from and placed in the "stable-diffusion-webui\extensions\T2I-Adapter\models" folder.


Downloading models from T2I-Adapter model zoom:

**Put models in your "stable-diffusion-webui\extensions\T2I-Adapter\models".

🔥🔥🔥 Demos

Sketch Canny Depth Color (Spatial) Style Results
image image image
image image image
image image image
image image image image
image image image image

🤗 Acknowledgements