
Simple Python Benchmarks

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Python Simple Prime Test

This repository attempts to answer the question:

Is Python too slow?

  • Short answer: Yes.
  • Long answer: Still yes. But you got options!
    • Adding numba decorators & compiling your code (LLVM)
    • Adding cython type annotations & compiling your code (C)
    • Leveraging an external c implementation with ctypes.

Benchmark: prime number test

Consider a simple function to test if a number is prime:

Given a number n find if there's a divisor in the first n/2 numbers.

Of course, we can come with a better prime-testing solution, but we won't. This solution is exactly what we need: inefficient and cpu-intensive.

The goal: Compare the python implementation to a pure C solution.

C implementation:

int isPrime(int num) {
    for(int i=2; i<=num/2; i++)
	    if (!(num%i))
            return 0;
    return 1;

This translates to python as:

def is_prime(n: int) -> int:
    for i in range(2, (n // 2) + 1):
        if not (n % i):
            return 0
    return 1

Benchmark results

As expected, plain vanilla python is painfully slow. By compiling the plain python code without and modification via cython we can get a 29% performance increase. If we don't bother adding a simple numba decorator, we can get a 10X performance increase. These 2 solutions are the easiest to implement because doesn't require changing our is_prime function definitions and requires minimal boilerplate.

If you want even better performance:

  • Use directly a c external function via Python CTypes.
  • Add cython type annotations before compiling.
benchmark_tag samples min_duration average_duration max_duration
py-naive 10.0 41.59 41.93 42.68
py-cython-naive 10.0 32.15 32.40 32.94
py-numba 10.0 3.71 3.75 3.87
py-ctypes 10.0 3.03 3.08 3.16
c 10.0 3.04 3.05 3.07
py-cython 10.0 2.39 2.42 2.44


These tests were performed using python 3.7.5. We recommend creating a virtualenv and installing the dependencies:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


We need to compile the c, numba & cython implementation. For this, simple run:

$ bash build.sh --c
  • The expected output is a bencharkc file.
  • Alternatively: gcc -o benchmarkc benchmark.c
$ bash build.sh --py-numba
  • The expected output is a numba_impl.* file.
  • Alternatively: python numba_source.py
$ bash build.sh --py-cython
  • Expected output are the compiled code for cython_impl.py and cython_naive_impl.py.

Run the benchmarks

Run benchmarks individually:

  • C: bash run.sh --c
  • Python Naive: bash run.sh --py-naive
  • Python Numba: bash run.sh --py-numba
  • Python Cython: bash run.sh --py-cython
  • Python CTypes: bash run.sh --py-ctypes

Or run all at once:

BENCH_PARALLELISM=false python benchmarks.py 1
  • The output will be appended to a file: benchmark-outputs-xxxx.json
  • Each benchmark is executed on an independent process. If BENCH_PARALLELISM is false, then the processes will be executed sequentially.
  • Change the 1 if you want to run each benchmark more than once (consider that different processes will be used for each).