
Entry-level SQL tech-screening.

SQL Challenge


There are two csv-files in the data directory:

  • data/country-happiness.csv : contains the happiness index for each country
  • data/wine-price.csv : contains wine pricing data


Upload datasets

  1. Using the database engine of your choice, create two tables for both csv-files in the data directory and ingest the file contents.

Happiness stats

  1. What's the max, min and average happiness score?

  2. Show a table with the happiness rank and score of the G7 countries (i.e., Cananda, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, United States).

Wine stats

Note: Limit the output to 10 rows.

  1. How many wines are register per country?

  2. What is the average wine price per province?

Final analysis

  1. What's the average wine-price of the countries with happiness $score > 7.0$?

  2. Create a csv-file named output.csv that contains the country name, rank, score, min-price, average-price, and max-price. The table must be in increasing rank order.