Eco Warriors Hub Readme

Currently the application resides in the Rhok Eco Warriors Github repo found here

Production app

The production app is hosted at eco warriors web url


This project is based on create-react-app

Running the app

Run yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

Running the tests

Run yarn test

Building the app

yarn build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.


The application is currently hosted using Google firebase.

The login uses the admin eco warriors google email.

The projects listed on the app are stored in a no sql firestore database.


The application uses Github actions to automatically deploy when any new code is pushed to the master branch of the repo above.

Uploading projects

The fireman app can be used to view / edit and upload new projects easier than using the Google developer web interface. The steps are below.

  1. Download the fireman app here.
  2. Inside the Google developer console open the eco-warriors-hub firebase project
  3. From Firebase project, go to Project settings > Service accounts. Click Generate new private key.
  4. Download the private key. Note make sure this is kept in a secure place and not shared to anyone as it allows full read write access to the firestore DB.
  5. Open fireman app and enter private key and set database name to eco-warriors-hub.
  6. Click connect, once connected the fireman app should save this connection and you can skip steps 1-5 in the future.

Fetching all projects

Once you have a connection setup

  1. Set collection name to projects.
  2. Tap on fetch documents in collection option.
  3. This should show a list of all available projects.
  4. These can be edited and then updated by pressing enter. Be careful this will change the production data so make sure the update looks good.

Importing new projects

fireman has a feature to import via csv. New projects can be imported via a csv in the following format.

<project title>,<project summary>,<project link>,<project img>