
A simple fridge/freezer controller.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Fridge controller

A very simple controller with a light electronic BoM. It manages the fridge temperature with hardcoded thresholds and hysteresis.

Project information

The board is powered by a PIC12F683 MCU. It samples the fridge or freezer temperature through a NTC sensor. It then controls the fridge cold unit through a 230V/12A relay.


The board schematic and PCB are designed with KiCad 6.


The microcontroller firmware is compiled with the free version of Microchip XC8 compiler.

Photo gallery

Naked PCB : Naked PCB top Naked PCB bottom

Assembled PCB : Assembled PCB top Assembled PCB bottom

Connector adapters for the targeted freezer : Board with connector adapters

Transparent plastic casing (reference Deltron 479-0160-0) : Plastic casing

Board inside the casing with drilled holes and connector adapters : Board inside casing with adapters

The board controlling the freezer in a basement : Board controlling freezer dark Board controlling freezer light

Technical information about the Brandt UD2321 freezer

The following information have been found through reverse engineering, so be careful about their accuracy !

The picture below shows the connector names (the names are taken from the original controller board PCB).
There were no indications on the PCB of the pin numbers, so I assigned them myself. Brandt UD2321 connectors

Connector CN1 signals :

Pin number Description
1 Not connected
2 Not connected
3 Original controller GND
4 NTC (thermal sensor)

Connector CN2 signals :

Pin number Description
1 Cold unit (note 1)
2 Cold unit (note 1)
3 Not connected
4 Not connected
5 Door switch (note 2)
6 230V neutral
7 Door switch (note 3)
8 230V live

Notes :

  1. Connect CN2 pins 1 and 2 to neutral to start the cold unit.
  2. Door switch contact is normally closed.
  3. CN2 pin 7 is connected the 230V live on the original controller board.

Connector CN3 is not populated.