
Final project for an introductory cpp course at IPT of NTUU KPI

Primary LanguageC++

This is the example of usage c++ programming language in laboratory work #8, KPI, IPT, which contains of structures, functions and library which make up the list.

V1.0 General body, some working functions; delete 1-st, 2-nd, last elem working; some minor fixes.

V1.1 Output function fixed; some minor code adjustments.

V1.2 New functions: addB, addF. some more code adjustments.

V1.3 ALL AVAILABLE FUNCTIONS ARE WORKING CORRECTLY; stringstream used in DelC() some code was redesigned;

V2.0 FINAL VERSION Complete regesign and exc.sit. check Files: main.cpp functions.cpp module.h

V2.0.1 CMAKE || Featured with cmake

PS: Lab work #8 V#10; Telegram: @MLNick Project was made by RIFLE KPI IPT 12.12.2019