
Generate colorful emoji heart arrays from images

Primary LanguageSwiftThe UnlicenseUnlicense


Generates images made of emoji characters ("emoji-art").


This script uses Swift 6 and Swift Package Manager. Run swift build to build all targets.


Basic example:

swift run Hearts -w 80 https://placekitten.com/200/300

This will generate an 80-character-wide emoji-art version of a local or web-accessible image.

Output preview

swift run Hearts -w 80 --only โค๏ธ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿฉท๐ŸคŽ๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿค /System/Library/Desktop\ Pictures/Ventura\ Graphic.heic

Generates an emoji-art image using only heart emoji.

Output preview

swift run Hearts -w 80 --only flags https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg/1235px-Flag_of_the_United_States.svg.png

Generates an emoji-art image of the US flags using flag emoji. Note that, when using groups, the amount of monochromacy is ignored, and emoji with large color variety can be used, instead of just emoji with more generally uniform color.

Output preview


USAGE: hearts [--width <width>] [--coherency <coherency>] [--only <only>]
    [--background <background>] [--glyph-count] <file>

  <file>                  The image file or URL to process

  -w, --width <width>     Resize image to the given width (in pixels)
  -c, --coherency <coherency>
                          Amount of monochrome required for an emoji to be used
                          (lower is stricter)
  -o, --only <only>       Only include emoji from this string or group name
                          (overrides -c)
  -b, --background <background>
                          The background color to use when calculating emoji
                          color values, as 3 floats. This is the background
                          color that the resulting emoji-art will look best
                          against. (example: โ€œ0,0.5,1โ€)
  -g, --glyph-count       Does not process or load the image; instead, returns
                          the number of emoji that would be selected from,
                          given the values of --coherency and --only.
  -h, --help              Show help information.

Helper Tasks

  • swift run GenerateCharacters: Generates the characters.txt file used by GenerateColors. You can specify the Emoji version to use.
  • swift run GenerateColors: Generates the colors.json file used by Hearts.
  • swift run GenerateGroups: Generates the groups.json file used by Hearts. You can specify the Emoji version to use.

Display Issues

Like with ASCII art, proper display of the resulting image is heavily dependent on how the text is rendered on the viewer's platform. In particular:

  • The emoji must be rendered as fixed-width characters. Not all platforms do this for all font configurations.
  • The emoji must be rendered as square. Some platforms will use line heights different from character widths.
  • The color values are calculated from Apple's emoji images in their proprietary font. Other platforms' emoji may have entirely different colors.
  • Not every platform supports some of the newer complex emoji created using zwjs. On these platforms, the emoji will be displayed "decomposed" (e.g., man + woman + child instead of the single man-woman-child emoji), which will mess up the fixed-width alignment.