The RISE Journal Club aims to create a friendly environment to discuss the latest state-of-the-art papers in the areas of medical image analysis, AI and computer vision. The moderators will briefly introduce the paper and then moderate a discussion where everyone is welcome to provide their thoughts and ask any questions on the paper.
- alvinkimbowa
- asmaa-a-abdelwahabNile University
- darshanzDublin, Ireland
- deepakri201Brigham and Women's Hospital
- dipesh88
- fedorovBrigham and Women's Hospital
- gozdedemirciNew York, NY
- HazemHassineISIMM
- himashi92Monash University
- holajoaLondon
- humeraaaUniversity of Karachi
- i-mnabeelkhanMLLabs.EU
- irina-zysThe Institute of Cancer Research
- jcohen02Imperial College London
- kiranshahiMBS Survey Software Ltd
- lab-smileUniversity of Florida
- licaizi
- maltintas45
- MaryAdewunmiCaresAI
- mathildebat
- MohannadEhabBarakatErlangen, Nuremberg
- nagelletteTurkey
- nkalavak
- RancyChepchirchirUniversity of Hull
- SemaCandemirThe Ohio State University - Wexner Medical Center
- shashwatkansalLondon, United Kingdom
- sinda-hichri
- turingelir
- vgonzalezd
- vigneshv92PayPal
- woocashhLondon
- xinwen-liuUniversity of Queensland
- XuZikangUSTC
- xzluo97Imperial Colledge London
- YiyangXu97
- YouvenZFrance