
bevy plugin for laminar atop naia-socket

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Server and client bevy plugins using:

  • laminar - an application-level transport protocol which provides configurable reliability and ordering guarantees built on top of UDP
  • naia-socket - a transport that uses native sockets, or WebRTC if targetting wasm (udp in the browser)


I'm only just digging in to laminar, not had a chance to explore it yet. But wanted to make sure it'll run ok on a wasm target. Any and all feedback/patches welcome. Will publish the crate in due course.

Running examples

Native UDP


cargo run --example server


Edit the examples/client.rs and set the IP to what the server reports it's bound to, then:

cargo run --example client

Wasm / WebRTC:


cargo run --example server --features use-webrtc --no-default-features


Edit the examples/client.rs and set the IP to what the server reports it's bound to, then:

cargo build --example client --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --no-default-features --features use-webrtc
wasm-bindgen --out-dir target --target web target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/debug/examples/client.wasm
cargo install simple-http-server
simple-http-server -p 4000 --cors

Now visit http://your.ip.address.here:4000/index.html and open the devtools console. ( is problematic for WebRTC in some browsers - use the IP the server bound to).


Cargo.toml uses my wasm branch of laminar, a fairly small change to allow laminar to compile for wasm32.

See Also